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Abdulbasit Abdusamad
Abdulbasit Abdusamad is a renowned Qur'an reciter born in 1927 in a village called Almara'za in Egypt.Abdul basit Abdu samad learnt the Holy Quran at an early age...
May Allah blessed and protect you inshallah, beautiful quran, Alfa Abdullah, Brisbane, Australia
Salaam sister Husna,
I recently found your lessons on Surah Mulk after my local Ustadh showed me the Tajweed rules worksheets on the Love For Quran website. I explored the website and stumbled on to the kid's page. As I teach young children from the Iqra' books I was interested to see if you had any content that would interest them. However, instead of clicking the right age range I clicked your name as it said that you were 16 years old and that is close to my age (19). SubhanAllah, I am so amazed at your Quran recitation and the melodious tune that you have when reciting.
Not doubt, He is a best Qari of the world. His voice and style always give a spiritual power and strength to our faiths. I have listened many more recitations of him and have got inspiration and understanding of Quran verses after listening his recitations. MashALLAH he has a great pitch of tone, style and voice. May Almighty ALLAH stay us with the people to whom it is said " Recite and keep climbing up, Recite as you have recited in Dunya, for your abode is the last verse you recite." Ameen
MAy Allah raise his grades in the heavens and rest his soul in peace.ameen
Perhaps the best Qari of all times. His voice and his memory will live in this Ummah forever Insha-Allah. We ask Allah Azzawajal to reward Him best for all his efforts and forgive his shortcomings. The question is, did anyone ever say enough to his recitation?, We listen and listen again, Again and again, the taste and beauty never ends. May Allah rise us and him among the Huffaz and the people of Quran, to whom it will be said, Recite and keep climbing up, Recite as you have recited in Dunya, for your abode is the last verse you recite.
Shekh Abdulbasit Abdusomed,The most beautiful reciter of our generation.I remembered my early childhood when I was first attracted like a magnet by his magnificent voices.It was very difficult for me to pause his recitations.His variable pitches still is surprise for me.And he is among the well known reciters in Habesha(Ethiopia) and loved by many junior reciters as an exemplary.Unfortunately no one knows his profile.I am sad to know he is not alive.May Allah reward his jennah.
I downloaded his recitation with tens of reciters but I love listening to his recitation more than any other. Anytime I listen to his recitation tears run my checks. His voice is so melodious a day hardly pass without me listening to him. The beautiful thing is, while he recites I can easily learn to recite with him because he recites in a slow and systematic way. This sheik was gifted; may Allah grant him and all of us Janna
May his blessed soul be in Jannatul firdaws. He is one person whose recitation I can't stay without listening to. Not a day will pass me without listening to his recitation. He is my role model in quranic recitation. I love no more than him. I sincerely love him for the sake of Allah. May Allah make us meet in Jannatul Firdaws, Aniin.
every monday i have to read a surah for my teacher.but icant it is to hard to read for her so i listen when abdelbase reads the quran and it make everything much easier and that is how i learn.know when i am trying to read for my teacher and i think it is heard i think of abdelbasset and it mmakes everithing so much easy
He was the best qari in the world. No other qari has a great voice like his mashaallah. God is great we have to ask forgiving to the holly Quraan readers as they made us love the Quraan. Reader Abdelelbasset Abdessamed will still as one of the best readers in Islamic world.
He is a great reciter of Holy Quran. Whenever i hear him feel good and all worries are vanished as his voice is very impressive and the message of Quran is most impressive message of the world, so both the best together become awsom. May Allah bless him . Ameen
Abdelbasset is still the best reciter in the world! His voice continues to be in the ears of Muslims all over the world. Allah, please award Your mercy to Abdelbasset Abdessamad whose recitations inspire all Muslims to read Your words in the holy Quraan!
This is the best recitation I have ever heard, Alhamdhulillah. You never get tired of listening to his recitation. Sometimes, I used to keep the holy book along with me while listening to his recitation. This helps me to correct my pronunciation.
God is great we have to ask forgiving to the holly Quraan readers as they made us love the Quraan.
I hope God bless all muslems in every where.
Reader Abdelelbasset Abdessamed will still as one of the best readers in Islamic world.
Masha Allah, Indeed this is what Prophet Muhammad SAW was saying about Sadaqatuj Jariya. Where a person will live a legacy that people will continue to benefit from. May Almighty have mercy on his soul and grant him HIS Jannah, Amin.
Masha Allah ever listened voice of quran since my birth on these earth
May Allah mercy on him and reward him with highest level of Jannatul firdious and grant him the reward of Allah that is glancing at then face of Allah (Sw)
Shekh Abdulbasit Abdusomed.The most beautiful reciter of our generation. He is really a great reciter to the holy Quran Steady broad voice capabilities. Allah accept him and give him a great reward Amine Ya allah.
Yassin Abdi
Mashaa Allah, Abdelbasset is the best Qari in the world, no one match him yet. My hero and mentor. May Allah bless his memory and grant him Jannah for this painstaking efforts to the entire ummah.
Excellent voice I can not stop listening to him. He is the best ever beautiful voice I have ever listen in my life. I always listen to him more than five times a day. I cry when I listen to him.
What an awesome reciter. His recitation is so motivating and it makes me willing to recite the Quran. May Allah grant him aljanat Fridays and make people use what he has left behind.
Yes That Is Right Indeed...but it seems confusing to me So i would cry
And this is Great so i listen to it everyday and midnight its like a lullably to make me sleep
a great reciter,inspiring voice that brings millions of listeners to their kneels.He would always be remembered as Koran remains the only source of divine knowledge.