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Mohamed Siddiq El-Minshawi
Mohamed Siddiq El-Minshawi is one of the top readers of the Quran, he was born in 1920 in the village 'Munsha'a' of Sohag Governorate. He is originary from an anc...
I used to listen to Minshawee when I was a young student in Cairo, Egypt. Almost 20 years later I came across his recitation again and I can still remember the first time I listened to him. May Allah bless his soul and forgive him his sins. He has touched many hearts by his sweet voice with qirah. I listen to him almost every night before I go to bed and I greatly appreciate those of you who maintain this website I the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah.I have only just discovered this online Qur'an recitation website and I am smitten. I am highly appreciative of the choice of Qaris available along with photos and a brief biography of each one-really unique. May Allah reward profusely those who created this website and those who host and maintain it and, of course, the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah.
I used to listen to Minshawee when I was a young student in Cairo, Egypt. Almost 20 years later I came across his recitation again and I can still remember the first time I listened to him. May Allah bless his soul and forgive him his sins. He has touched many hearts by his sweet voice with qirah. I listen to him almost every night before I go to bed and I greatly appreciate those of you who maintain this website and May Allah richly reward you as I greet you in peace Assalam Alaikum
Salam. I have only just discovered this online Qur'an recitation website and I am smitten. I am highly appreciative of the choice of Qaris available along with photos and a brief biography of each one-really unique. May Allah reward profusely those who created this website and those who host and maintain it and, of course, the Qaris whose beautiful voices inspire hearts with the awe and fear of Allah. Jazakum Allahu khair katheeran katheeran
Allah O words for his uniqueness...SubhanAllah...he recites and it strikes the heart....i have been listening to him when i was small boy and our neighbors(from Yemen) used to listen to him day n night. His voice takes me back to my childhood memories and now after going through the translations a few times, it really strikes the heart with all its meanings...Masha Allah...
May Allah bless his soul. His recitation touches my heart and sinks in. It is not him but Allah's blessing through him. Little would he have known that 40 years after his death he would still bring tears to the eyes of those who listen to the Quran through him. May Allah bless him and overlook his mistakes and all the reciters of the Quran who have passed away.Amin
Sheikh M.S. El-Minshawi is the teacher of my whole household as we continue our journey with the Quran. May Allah (S.W.T) forgive his sins, overlook his shortcomings and grant him and everyone of us Janat Firdaus. Ameen!
I look forward to seeing him in Janat Firdaus and giving him a brotherly hug....a hug from a student to his teacher.
I came to know the Siddiq el minshawi while listening to BBC Arabic program in the seventies.I am from Mauritius.He remains one of my cherished Quran reciter.He is often listened on SaudiQuran Radio. I have many CDs of minshawi and I also listened to him on the internet.
May ALLAH grant him jannat ul Firdaus. Ameen
may god give him el-djanaat el ahlaa.... INSHALLAH ..
each time if i listen el-menshaoui, i feel peace and everything become easy
he touch diep my hearts , and i listen his recitated many years...i suggeste everybody to listen sheikh el-menshaoui RAHIMAHOU ALLAH INSHALLAH.
The only one thing I know that is....
I really love him with my deep heart & soul and he is my teacher. I learn all the recitation from him....I love him so much....
May Allah gave him all the rest and peace (Amen)
Asalaamu Aleyku everyone
As I type this comment, I am also listening to Qari Mohamed seddik menshawi reciting Surat El-Anaam. May Allah take him to highest level of paradise. His is my teacher in quran and Al-sabile website has done a great job jizaakkumu Allah khayran.
Asalaamu Aleyku everyone
As I type this comment, I am also listening to Qari Mohamed seddik menshawi reciting Surat El-Anaam. May Allah take him to highest level of paradise. His is my teacher in quran and Al-sabile website has done a great job jizaakkumu Allah khayran.
as i developed in the quran it became easier since i listened to muhammed siddiq and now that i have gone far in the quran i am sharing his beautiful voice to others that need to learn the quran .may Allah saw send him to the right path.AMEN
Masha Allah. I have just discovered this website yesterday. Sheikh Mohamed Seddik El Menchaoui is one of the greatest reciters of Qur'an of all time. Allahummagfirlahu warhamhu, warhamna ba'adah. Jazakumullah khaira for this wonderful site.
May Allah have mercy on his soul. I am trying to memorize the Holy Quran In Shaa Allah using his way of recitation. May Allah grant him Jannatul Fidaws In Shaa Allah. He will always be remembered In Shaa Allah. He is indeed a role model
Assalamu Alaikum
May Allah grant this reciter Aljannah alfirdaus,because his mode of recitation moves me each time i'm listening to it masha Allah. May Allah reward the hosts of this site and entire muslim ummah. Amin.
The only one thing I know that is....
I really love him with my deep heart & soul and he is my teacher. I learn all the recitation from him....I love him so much....
May Allah gave him all the rest and peace (Amen)
The only one thing I know that is....
I really love him with my deep heart & soul and he is my teacher. I learn all the recitation from him....I love him so much....
May Allah gave him all the rest and peace (Amen)
With his khooshoo and ikhlas all we Turkish muslims loves him. We listen him again and again. Mohamed Seddik El Menchaoui is a gift for muslims from Allah.He rocks the heart mashallah .Jazahkallahu khayr.
Ramadan Kareem. I am a 12 yr old who loves to listen to quran but at school they block these sites so the students cant listen to quran but now that ive found this website i am grateful wallah. :)))
One of the best Quras. He was bestowed with a very good voice by Allah. Would you please also upload his Mujawwad Qirats that were recited by him on different occasions?
Thanks in Advance