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Nabil Ar Rifai
Nabil Ar Rifai, born Nabil Bin Cheikh Abdul Rahim Rifai, is a Saudi Qur’an reciter born 1398 Hijri in Jeddah. Cheikh Ar Rifai learned the Holy Qur’an from such em...
Assalamualaikum, thank you for sharing these lovely recitations. Once, I heard sheikh Nabil Ar Rifai voice from local radio which broadcasting from masjid Jami Malang (Indonesia). I just enjoyed listening to it, sometimes waiting for it since it was aired routinely after Isya', before and after a popular tasawuf teachings by local Kyai (teacher/sheikh) around 20.00 local time. After Fitri 2016, the radio organizer seems to refresh the tune and switch to another reciter, though it also recite the same surah (al Maryam) and no less beautifully, I just miss Nabil voice. To me, Nabil able to bring an atmosfer in some portion of ayat. Since I am familiar in His recitation of surah al Maryam, perhaps other can try to listen it so you may know what I mean-or what I am trying to say. Holy Koran is a great gift from God to all mankind, it will always stunning and beautiful no matter who recite it but sometimes it just more lovely when it recited in descent-cool-soft kind of voices.
asalam aleikum fellow muslims,
May Allah bless this sheikh, he is blessed with a wonderful, soothing voice. I got sick with a mental illness two years ago and I used to listen to him recite the Quran, especially sura Tawbah, and it always made me feel so much better. The Quran is medicine, the disease is gone, even though the doctor said I will have it forever. Lets make the Quran one of the medicines we use in our daily life, it will never disappoint us.
Salam, this sheikh is really good. Surah al-fatiha is really nice recited mashallah. And may Allah bless him and may Allah make us strong muslims. Their was a story i heard it says if your a strong muslim Allah will always help us. Help us meaning winning wars,battles etc.. our prophets had less mans to battle. maybe less then thousands of men. and the prophets use to win wars so mashallah may allah bless us.slam..
Assalam Aleykum,
I heard Sheikh Nabil's recitations from a local Radio and have been surfing since then so that I could download his recitations. I think I could listen to his recitations all day and night without tiring. And will help me memorize some suras. Once again Alhamdulillah for giving him such melodious voice. may Allah pay him for using his voice in a fruitful. Jazaakah Llahu Khayr.
His recitation is very nice and I am surprised to see no comment on him. May Allah bless him with His blest blessings. I usually surf the wave for listening to good quran recitation. I find Refai's recitation of same quality as those of Imam's of Makka and Medina (this I am commenting without understanding the meaning in full as I am a non Arab.
As salam alykum wa rahmat ullah..
MaashaAllah he has a soothing n healing voice . Me being from same clan of Rafai. Searching for quran reciters from my family name when found him and his brother Hani Ar Rifai's quranic recitation was overwhlemd and thanked Allah to have these precious jeoules of muslim ummah.May Allah bring his rehmah on you.
May ALLAH elongate the life of Qari NABIL and the like. Anytime I listen to his recitation of suratul Furqan & shuara, I am always moved to tears and the reality of this world comes back to my mind. You and other reciters like shuraim, sudais, Adel and Huzaifah are blessing to the umma. May ALLAH increase us all in iman. Ameen!!
Sheikh Nabil ar Rifai is the best Qaari I know. I love his recitation. He is the Imam of Masjid at Tawbah, Jeddah. His elder brother Hani ar Rifai is also a Qaari. He is the Imam of Masjid Anani in Jeddah. You should see dua's by both these sheikhs, they are heart touching and enlightening. May Allah bless them both!
Asalamu alaykum dears. Just want to say this shekh is the best reciter, when I listen to him it really touches my heart even though I don't understand the meaning of quran, but still when I listen to him I feel like I understand the holly quran. May Allah bless him and give him more knowledge ameen.
May ALLAH bless you .He drops the Quran word by word in my Heart. I am write this notes and my eyes are dropping tears may Allah bless him and his parents and his shiekh who taught him the Quran and all the Muslims and the readers of this comments and the brothers who put this website AMEEN
Nice voice and May Allah bless him with His blest blessings. I usually surf the wave for listening to good quran recitation. I find Refai's recitation of same quality as those of Imam's of Makka and Medina (this I am commenting without understanding the meaning in full as I am a non Arab).
I am from Nigeria I grow up to love islam as my religion and I like qira'at from different imams but I like nabil as my favourite.I pray that Allah should give husband as him.thuogh I know I am black is not possible to marry such husband but I pray and I know Allah will answer my prayer.
The voice of Nabil Ar Rifai at my ears is like sugar and milk on my tongue. What a wonderful reciter. With Nabil Ar Rifai, it's a pleasure to devore the miracle of Quran. May Allah bless him with His blest blessings. May Allah bless all muslim rond the world, and make us one.
Assalam Alaykum. It's my first time today to get a biograghy and recitation of our beloved Sheikh Nabel Arrifai. Ijust used to lestening the qur an recitation from his elder brother Haney Arrifai.Ireally love both of them for the sake of ALLAH. May Allah bless them, Ameen.
I often listen to his quran recitation audio. God bless him. I have almost 114 surah of Alquran in my phone of his recitation (mp3 format). It is so dragging my soul listening to his recitation while lying in bed before falling asleep. Thanks. Ahmad Ramdani - Indonesia.
i heard all best qaris of almost world.and i found most beautiful voices but 4 qaris has the voices of AL-JANNAH.very great and beautiful voices.
1- sluleman al-mohaisani
2- sheikh shuraim
3- nabeel rifai
4- mahir ul muaiqali
specially sheikh mohaisani.
Assalamualaikum, Alhamdulillah, May Allah gives healthiness, happiness, to all Syeikh (reciter) of Saudi Arabia (Makkah Al Mukarramah), especially, Syeikh Nabil Ar Rifai. Who has a good sound in reciting of holly Qur'an. Hoping someday I'll shakehand with. Insya Allah.
Salamo alykom
i am very surprised of imam Refai , it's reely very nice voice and recitation of coran , and I hope that imam refai have a very good futur in in this , it's call of god , and hi is the ambasador of coran in the world , may god protect you imam refai
Masha Allah, his recitation is very nice, I find Refai's recitation of same quality as those of Imam's of Makka and Medina. I usually surf the wave for listening to good quran recitation. May Allah bless all muslim all round the world, insha Allah we will be one uma.
Masha Allah, his recitation is very nice, I find Refai's recitation of same quality as those of Imam's of Makka and Medina. I usually surf the wave for listening to good quran recitation. May Allah bless all muslim a rond the world, insha Allah we will be one uma.