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Sami Yusuf
Sami Yusuf is a British singer and songwriter. He was born in Tehran (Iran) from Azeri Muslim parents in July 1980 and grew up in London. Sami Yusuf made his sing...
This is very nice to listen and appreciable work.
Allah's blessings will keep you up, Insha Allah. Thanks GOD.
Some of the anasheed I got from my friend long time back, but now I got
all yours collection, thanks GOD.
Assalam o Aleikum from Pakistan Sami, may Allah (SWT) bless you a trillion times for spreading the message of Islam. Allah (SWT) bestowed upon you a beautiful gift which is your melodious voice, keep going forever, Ameen Summa Ameen.
Assalamualaikum va rohmatulloh...
I'm Nozima, from Uzbekistan.
I really love Sami Yusuf's songs. Mr Sami Yusuf you have a great voice, really it is a pleasure and honor to have you us Islamic singer.
May Allah bless you! InshaAllah
i really like all hamdz and Qasida's sang by Sami Yusuf from the core of my heart.May Allah Bless Him and give him more energy to spread his melidious and sweet voice to praise Allah Almighty and His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
sallam alaikum masha allah sami,i am from nigeria 19 years old, a student of computer science ND2 @ Kwara state polytechnic and i so much love your songs right from my youth wishing you more!more!! grace to your elbow
Hi, I am Aryan from Bangladesh. I love Sami Yusuf so much. He is just unbelievable. His song touch our heart. I pray for him Allah keep him happy.
And he will give us Islamic song more and more.Allah Hafiz.
Assalamu Alikum brother Yusuf. I am from Bangladesh. I am 3d environment developer. I work all the day in computer. Then I listen your song. It helps me very much.And thanks to those who commented here.
Mesha allah i'm a dutch moslima living in egypt!
I have 6 children, they love to listen to you !
I hope that you will make a lot of more songs(islamic) and that the hole world can enjoy your music!
Alhamdullilah robilial'amin! May Allah subhanawatahla continue to empower u to uplift Islamic musics to a greater height Insha Allah. Amin yallah. Abdl fatah Abdl Azeez.
Assalamulaikum I am alishba naaz from India. I like your all songs very much. Mashallah your voice is very nice. May allmighty allah bless you. ..
Assalamalaikum sami yusuf your song makes happy sometimes makes crying i love your songs thanx and Allah bless you your salsu garba from Nigeria
I m not trying to provoke or start anything. I m just curious. Since sami was born in tehran, is he a shi a. I m just asking.
oh whots the pleasure.
this is from ALLAH for HIS belivers
let it to be for best rewerds.
from xhafer of albania.
I am from Indonesia. I very very like all your songs.
Jazakillah khair.
He has a great voice mashsllah .i listen to this every day and I think about what a good life he leads