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Yasser Al-Dosari
Sheikh Al Dosari, the eloquent preacher and virtuous ImamHis full name is Yasser Ibn Rashed Ibn Houseine Al Ouadaani Al Dossari, and he’s known as one of the ...
My favorite sheikh
Essalamu aleykum
My name is omar alzyoud i live in USA, when i hear your voice i want to cry. May Allah blessed you, you have a such beautiful voice.
Brother dont forget us when you pray.
I am from Bangladesh, I cried many times. to hear the emotional recitation of Yasse Al-Dossari. He is a great reciter of holy Qur'n in the Muslim world. May Allah Grant him long life and His choicest blessing.
He is reciter who is my favourite. I 1st listened to nasheeds and other islamic media but this reciter is so much touching that now i am learning holy Quran my self, and trying to read like him.
Assalamualaikum.... I m very lucky to meet this site to have very sweet recitation of al quran. May Allah bestows bliss to all those whose efforts r this site......
i have been searching for this soothing voice for so long and i found if alhamdulillah. this voice is such a blessing . i hope i can meet him one day .
Most respected Living figure , and wish to be his protege, however due to distance and my age , i think its impossible for me except in my dream.
May Allah continue to shower his blessings upon our sheikh. I pray Almighty Allah SWT accept our deeds and grant us Jannatul Firdaus. Amin
He has a very beautiful voice and his recitations are very smooth. May Allah grant him all the good rewards of the Holy Qur'an. Ameen
I really love the site in my first visit and many many thanks to provide us with so many voices we loved so much thanks very much
Mashallah........ great voice, exceptional, extraordinary great.
I always shed tears when i listen to your recitation.
Mashallah........ great voice, exceptional, extraordinary great.
I always shed tears when i listen to your recitation.
Assalamoalaikum | Lots Of Love Form Bangladesh. I'm A Big Fan Of Imam Sheikh Al Dosari. Actually, He Is A Great Person.
Yasir Dossary has a very beautiful voice. Best reciter in the Islamic world.
He should be given special certificate.
most beautiful I have heard. not only voice but also sense of meaning are excellent. as if he feels when he reads.