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  1. As Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah..
    I can´t say the right words to describe the way Mohamed Abdel Aziz recitation makes me feel inside. It´s absolutely amazing mashallah. I accidentally found him in an video channel... And felt that he gonna be my new favorite. Now I have 3 favourite reciters: Ahmad Al Ajmi, Mohamed Abdel Aziz & Maher Al Mu´aiqly.
    I would like to download the suras of Mohamed AbdelAziz, but I can´t find sites of him, do anyone know any site inshallah? Please let me know about it. I´m trying to be better in my faith, but it is hard for me, cause I am the only in my family who try to fulfil the duty from Allah. And the only thing that helps me trying to keep fighting shaytan alone, is such recitation from such amazing recitators like Mohamed AbdelAziz & reading quran. It´s hard to fight alone, But Wallah It Helps. And everyone should think about Allah, that He(Allah) Is your Only Wali(Helper) against Anything & Anybody.
    May Allah fill the world with MORE sincere Muslims, and may Allah praise every Muslim in this World and in the Next world Inshallah!
    Greetings to every Muslim in the World. Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu...!