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Biography of Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary

Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary is a renowned reciter of the Holy Qur’an. He was born in a village called Shobra Al Namla in Tanta, Egypt.
Mahmoud entered the Qur’an School at the age of four. At 8, he had already memorized the whole Qur’an and at 12, he entered to the religious institute and learnt the ten recitations in Al Azhar.
Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary first recited the Holy Qur’an in his village mosque. In 1944, he entered the official radio station as reciter where he made his first recitation on 16 February 1944. On August 7, 1948, he was nominated Muadhin (Prayer caller) of Sidi Hamza Mosque and then a reciter in the same mosque. He was also supervising recitation centers of Al Gharbia province.
In 1949, Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary was appointed reciter of Sidi Ahmed Al Badaoui of Tanta , of Al Ahmadi Mosque and then of Al Imam Al Hussein Mosque in Cairo by 1955.
Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary was one of the most esteemed reciters of his time. A serial, “Imam Al Moqr’ine”, starring Hassan Youssef, was dedicated to Al Hussary’s life and performances.
wow mashallah i have a teacher just like him but without the glasses and may allah bless him and May Allah grant him peace an jannah.Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary is all time reciter and his recitation is touching and has spent his whole life in worthy causes and worth emulation also I really love listening to Quran from him my heartb this is lovely when reads .i Have listened to it since my childhood becan...We have to be well versed with the teacing of al quran in order to be able to lead a islamic way of life. He remains me that when I was young my father used to listen shuekh Mahmoud's recitation.
Assalaam alaykum,
Alhumdulillah... I have just started learning how to read the Quran and the lucid recitation of Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary helps me to enjoy and learn with passion. Iam from Nigeria and do not understand Arabic language but "Insh' Allah, one day I will. Pray for me and my family. The effort of Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary is very helpful. May Allah reward him generously and all those who have prepared this website. I just cannot express my happniness... jazakallah
as salaam alaikum,
alhumdulillah... i have just started tajweed and the lucid recitation of Qari Hussary helps me to enjoy and recite with passion... i am from India and do not understand Arabic... (inshallah one day I will Inshallah - pray for me and my family)..but going with the support of Qari Hussary is very helpful... May Allah grant him peace an jannah... and also to those who have prepared this website... I just cannot express my happniness... jazakallah
Very clear and easy to understand.We hope more quraan reciter to emulate his style.Islam strength very much depend on the ability of its followers to comprehend quraan.We do not understand the meaning of Quraan then it is very difficult for us to be a genuine muslim.We have to be well versed with the teacing of alquraan in order to be able to lead a islamic way of life.
Words cannot explain the grasp of Mahmood's recitation on the soul of a muslim listener whenever his Holy Book rectations are played. Mahmood is a legend, an inspiration and a gift from Allah (SWT)to muslim ummah. Can anyone help me with a contact from where I can acquire some of his recitations especially those in the 80's please. I live in London.
May Allah bless
Yero S Sabally
Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary is all time reciter and his recitation is touching and has spent his whole life in worthy causes and worth emulation. May Allah be please with him ameen.
He was well known of his professionalism in recitation of the Holly Quran. He made lot of efforts in this direction.
He worth a lot for the Umma.
I love his beautiful recitation because He remains me that when I was young my father used to listen shuekh Mahmoud's recitation. He was my favorate reciter in my childhood, and I especially like to listen any Surah. May allah grant him jannatul firdaus and have mery upon him , and those who benefit from him.ameen ameen.
Sheikh of reciters Mahmoud Khalil Alhussari is one of the most adept and gifted reciters of all time. I really love listening to Quran from him. Listen to him if you want to learn how to recite and memorize with its rules of tajweed!
May Allah give mercy to him and all Muslims, alive and dead.
I am amazed by the comments of certain muslims ! Is like they are talking
About elvis Presley ! They should comment on the Koran itself, what they did understand, asking questions and make this platform as a way of exchange of understanding and knowledge of the words of god ( ellah yahdina)
Jazaaka`Allah kheiyr sheikh Husary i have admired your voice since my childhood you are the best and out of a thousand applicants whom i have heard their voice you are over qualified may the most High rest your soul in peace and may the creator grant you Jannatul firdows.Ameen ameen
Assalamu Alaikum i dont knw which kind of comment i will write what only kind i said about this best heroes Mahmood and who follow him minshawi is May allah grant them jannatul firdaus and have mercy upon them , and those who benefit from him.ameen ameen.from Zaria Kaduna Nigeria.
I love how this sheikh reads suratul anfal it is so beutiful but im just in suratul ahzab but i love to listen to his voice especially anfal so i love Sheikh Husary but i went to egypt to learn quran i was in 1st juz when i left but now im in the 9th juz alhamdulillah
I love how this sheikh reads suratul anfal it is so beutiful but im just in suratul ahzab but i love to listen to his voice especially anfal so i love Sheikh Husary but i went to egypt to learn quran i was in 1st juz when i left but now im in the 9th juz alhamdulillah lk
Without doubt, I think he is the best reciter ever. This is my opinion. He is one of those rare reciters who performed flawless recitation..He was the first to record the whole Koran for the Egyptian Holy Koran Radio.May Allah mercy him for his good deeds.Thank you.
Assalmu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh i'm from Nigeria we the people of nig our best recieter is khalil khusari God reward him and forgive him all of his sin ameen. And all other Qur'anic recieters to gether with assabile parastatals
Sh. Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary is an exceptional reciter. Can someone name some other reciters who recite in similar style to Sh. Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary apart from the obvious such as Sh. Mohammad Minshawi and Sh. Abdul Basit As Samad??
May Almighty Allah bless us with many more Hussarys AMEEN.And May his soul rest in perfect peace AMEEN.All muslim ummah should try and emulate the good path of this hero leaving behind them the very best legacy after their demise.
I love his beautiful recitation because He was my favorate childhood sheikh especially I like to listen Surah yusuf. May allah grant him jannatul firdaus and have mery upon him , and those who benefit from him.ameen ameen.
I would like to express my gratitude to assabile.com for allowing all our Muslim brother and sisters all over the world to appreciate all the reciters on this site regardless who ever they are . Praise to Allah (swt).
Alhamdulilahi for everything,Mahmoud Khalil al Hussary was one ☝️ of the best reciter in our history,he’s so committed to the holy Quran,oh Allah,we asked you to have mercy on him,and grant him jannatul firdous