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Biography of Abdullah Matrood

Abdallah Matroud is one of the most known Saudi reciters of the Holy Qur'an.
Abdallah Matroud’s recitations are broadcasted regularly in many TV Channels and radio stations of the Arab world.
Abdallah Matroud had participated to numerous events and meetings of different subjects like The Human Creation, Alfarouq’s Biography, Moses story, Firawn story…
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Assalamualekum. May Allah (SWA) bless Sheik Abdallah Matroud and this website. Not everybody is lucky (ordained) as some of us to wake up from bed and go straight to masjids and take shahada and become muslims. What I mean is that nobody gave me dawah before becoming a muslim. I have started distributing to muslims in Chicago www.All-Quran.com MP3 address. All praise belong to Allah (SWA) I have recorded on cassettes from Al-Fatiha to Nas. Thank God Sheik Al-Sudais, Sheik Shuraim and Sheik Athar voices are the most popular in my apartment. Just as their voices softens my heart make me cry, I can't stop asking Allah's blessings upon them. I pray Allah (SWA) make it easy for the whole world learn Arabic. Assalamualekum.
Asalamu Alaikum my beloved Muslim brothers and Sisters,I can just imagine how much Sheikh Abdallah Al - Matroud recitation makes me feel when ever I hear it, I feel like spending the entire day in listening to his recitation. When ever I am sad it brings me happiness, the Saut, Tajweed and above all the beautiful voice very excellent. In fact you are the best reciter I have ever seen in the World. I am your big fun in Ghana and I love you so much, I wish I could be like you. May the Almighty Allah have mercy on you and the entire Muslim Community. To the creators of this website I say that May Almighty Allah grant you an unimaginable reward for the good work, keep it going.
Masha'allah to the creators of this website, and Masha'allah to Abdullah Matrood. There are many among the Ummah who have a talented voice, but most of them are shy and dont want to be heard world wide. Through my life, i have heard many beautiful recitations, i cant say one is better than the other, but Matrood is my favorite Reciter. Mishary has been voted by many tho, he's voice and tajweed is good as well. Masha'allah to them all. And my Allah reward them for their work. And to you all my sisters and brothers, May Allah grant you entrance to Jannah, and to all the mumineen that have passed on, may Allah forgive them their sins and those before them till the begining. AMEEN.
Asalamu Alaikum my beloved Muslim brothers and Sisters, I can just imagine how much Sheikh Abdallah Al Matroud recitation makes me feel when ever I hear it, I feel like spending the entire day in listening to his recitation. When ever I am sad it brings me happiness, the Saut, Tajweed and above all the beautiful voice excellent. In fact you are the best reciter I have ever seen in the World. I am your big fan in Ghana and I love you so much, I wish I could be like you. May the Almighty Allah have mercy on you and the entire Muslim Community. To the creators of this website I say that May Almighty Allah grant you an unimaginable reward for the good work, keep it going.
Aselam aleikum I was born in Muslim family but I didn't learn Quran as much as I want because my family gote divorce and I grew up in my mother house so she was struggling to rase me and my sister
That why I didn't learn as much my needed but alhamdulillah suma alhamdulillah I read and I know a lot of adith of our prophet (saw) I am 28 years old and I live in United States insha allah everyone got chance to read my comments please make dua for me.
I love all our hafithul Quran and also
I love all Muslims around the global those who follow our prophet (saw) witch towhid.
May Allah make as those who follow our prophet.
Ameen ameen suma ameen
MashAllah, what a beautiful recitation this Sheikh has. I remember listening to surah Yaseen recited by this sheikh in cassette back in 1999. Since then, i never got his name and the cassette had been lost somehow. Today i was watching a youtube video and his recitation came towards the end of the clip and it brought back the memories of listening to him when i was a kid. Alhamdulillah, the video had credits section and his name was mentioned. That's how i ended up here googling for his recitation. I love all his recitation. MashAllah. May Allah swt bless this man and his parents for raising such a great reciter of Qur'an Kareem. Ameen
Alhamdulillahi that am a Muslim, May Almighty Allah continue to protect and bless all the reciters in this website and all Muslim Ummah, Ameen. My first time of visited this website i was so glad thanks Almighty Allah and the creators of this site. I love hearing/listening the recitation of Holy Qura'an and I can't leave in a day without recite my Holy Book (Al-qura'an). I advice all my Muslim Brothers and Sisters who is doing same to keep it up and whose don't should join us as instructed by our noble Prophet S.A.W. may Allah accept our prayer as an act of Ibadah; Ameen. Salamu Aleykum Warohamatullah Wabarakatuh.
Masha Allahi..May take this opportunity to thank our muslim brother who have made this wonderful website.The almighty Allah knows that am writing this comment from heart.I am very much excited to listen this beautiful, soft and sounding voice of our brother sheikh Abdallah Matroud.His reading touched my heard that made me feel curry from where i was.May Allah give us and our brother the advantage of his reading.Indeed, i am saying Sheikh Abdallah is one the best reciter i ever heard in my life.I am his fun.May Allah grant him janatul Ferdowsa.
Asalamu Alaikum,
First of all, a very big thanks to the developer of this islamic site. If not for Allah and this site I would not have known all these about Abdallah Matroud . And knowing these few about Abdullah matroud Mashallah he has a very beautiful and amazing voice. If I go all day without listening to his Quran recitation i will feel like somthing is wrong with me. I am really inspired by his achievement. May Allah spire his life so that he continue to inspire the Muslim ummah. I am proud to be a Muslim.
Asalamu Alaikum .
Alhamdulillah,I thank Allah Almighty for giving me opportunity to listen to Qur'an recitation from shaikh Abdallah Matroud.He is one of best on earth and from now on words I will be learning his style and copy his voice which l love so dearly(please brothers and sisters make dua for me)May Allay bless you shaikh Matroud and may he forgive you and your family your shortcomings.I love you for the sake of Allah and for your inspiring voice. Please keep it up. May Allah bless our religion and the Muslim Umma at large, Ameen.
Assalamualaikum to all muslim readers of this page. I have never known Sheikh Abdallah Al Matroud before, except for the big name recitators such as Sheikh Abdul Rahman As Sudais, Saoud As Suraim, Saad Al Ghamdi, Abdel Basset and many more. I accidentally browsing into this website and thank to Allah for granting me 'hidayah'to knowing this soft and beautful voice recitator. May he be blessed for pleasing every man and woman who hears the words of The Mighty One recited by him. Subhaanallah!
Asalamu alaikum to all my Muslim brothers and thanks to Allah this recitation I started listening long time and still sleep while im listening and I wake while the recitation is going thanks to you Sheik may Allah gives you his jannah I hope one day to ce there for pilgrimage although today's Arabs are the old ones of friends of prophet I hope Allah might turn you heads to what our prophet left for us and also like my fellow somalians I hope as to get better thanks sheikh
Asalamu Alaikum rahmatulah wo barakatuhu my their brothers and sisters in Islam I great you all...masha Allah may the Almighty grant sheikh Abdoullah Matroud his mercy and enable each an everyone of us to enter in jannatul firdur with him...Sheikh Abdullah Matroud has contributed a lot in my life especially in the side of "Quran'' weather knowingly or unknowingly,masha Allah. so am here by praying for him long life, good health and prosperity in life Ameen..
I am unable to find English words to describe the Voice of Sheikh Abdullah Matroud. I just remembered when Islamic lecturer spoke about Al-Jannah. he said, "there is a lot in Paradise which is beyond the imagination of mankind" so This Sheikh's recitation/tone is far beyond my mind could picture. I honestly beg Allah (SWT) to grant his mercy to Sheikh Abdullah Matroud. And all of us. Ameen.
Asalam Aleykum Warahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu. its really blessing to listen to Sheikh Abdallah Matroud every night as i am in bed and day time when i am in office working, pure and clear sound May Allah SWT reward him and all other Ullama of Islam May Allah also Give us the opportunity to be in Janatul Firdousa and meet our beloved prophet (SCW) and and all Ulama of islam
Masha Allah for the nice recitation. It reminds me of two things
1. Allah has sent down this Quran so it is just beautiful in itself.
2. Allah has created human beings and gave them the ability to speak clearly (articulate speech or al Bayan).
May Allah grant those who work hard in the cause of Allah Jannat al Firdaus. Ameen
Alhamdulila Sheikh Abdullah Matrood you are favourite reciter of the Qur'an even though I listen to other reciters I can't explain I I feel when listing to your voice Allah (SWT) has given a great gift May He reward you Jannah the highest one Insha Allah am praying to Allah to give me the likes of you in my family Ameen Ya Rabi
Salam Aleykum brothers and sisters. Thank you for uploading these recitations from Sheikh Al Matrood, who is by some distance the man I love the most to listen to when reading the Quran. There hasn't been any other reader whose voice can make me cry so easily and for me that is the biggest compliment I could ever make to him.
Your voice is beautiful I wish I had such a blessed voice like yours.I always listen to you when I am learning my Quran .All my brothers and sisters all wish me a beautiful voice like Abdullah Matroud.Also for you Abdullah Matroud may Allah give you a long lasting life and inshallah grant you to janat al fardows.
Asalamu Alaikum my beloved Muslim brothers and Sisters,I can just imagine how much Sheikh Abdallah Al - Matroud recitation makes me feel when ever I hear it, I feel like spending the entire day in listening to his recitation. When ever I am sad it brings me happiness, the Saut, Tajweed and above all the beautiful voice