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Biography of Ahmed Al Ajmi

Ahmed Ali Al Ajmi is a Qur'an reciter from Khobar, an eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He was born February 24, 1968.
After graduating from Mohamed Ben Saud Islamic University, Ahmed Al Ajmi flew to Pakistan where he enrolled in Lahore Public University to prepare a Master and then a Doctorate in Qur’an Interpretation. His thesis was entitled “Minnat Al Aliy Al Kabir Fi Charh Toroq Attafsir” (a study of interpretation means).
Cheikh Ahmed Ajmi is one of the most outstanding reciters in the world. He first led prayers in 1984 (1404 Hijri) in Al Moghira Ben Chooba Mosque and then in the Great Mosque of Khobar in 1985. He was recruited as Imam to Al Amir Mohamed Ben Fahd Mosque in Khobar in 1992. Ahmed Al Ajmi is currently leading prayers Jeddah’s Holy Mosque.
Ahmed Al Ajmi is married and has six childrens : Abullah, Omar, Fatima, Mariem, Modi and Abdurahmane.
Ahmed Ajmi is living with his family in Alorqobia, Khobar (Saudi Arabia).
I have no words to thank ALLAH for granting me a chance to be a Muslim...basically Quran and Islam are the naturally attracting powers for a person of good manner...
May ALLAH Bless all of HIS Mercies and forgiveness on Ahmad Al Ajmi...once when i was in UK i found his recitation on Islam Channel in Uk...I Listen to him from morning till evening during my whole stay in UK...every time the cursed devil come near to me the recitaion grab me from him (the crused) and taken me closer and closer to the real and only Merciful Creator of the everything...
No words to praise as the recitation of the words is praiseless but i would say that my closeness to ALLAH is because of the recitation of AL Ajmi.....i really pray for his forgiveness and wish that i could recite like him and i personally wish to meet him...nowadays i m in Riyadh...+966 564 434 809 is my cell number....
i would add here a personal experience that show much touching and natural way of Ajmi's recitation is: once while i was in an Isalmic Book Shop in UK, an aged lady in jeans and half slevees entered the shop...Ajmi's recitation was playing in background... Sura Hasher Last Rakoo...really she cried a lot and was very ashamed because she was Muslim and was astrayed...Ahmad recitation takes your soul back to its reality and let you think of your actual life....really ALLAH Bless Ajmi and Guide him as well as us to be the real followers of Quran and Sunnah..Amin!
Muhammad Haris Noman....Pakistani...working in KSA, Riyadh...May ALLAH Bless us all and let us to listen and obey the Quran as its really a Remedy for all the diseases and tensions of this world...
Salam All,
I totally agree with Sheikh Javed. His voice is sooo beautiful that it really touches your heart and soul and indeed it makes you cry. The first time I listened to him was in 2001 when I was in Hostel studying Masters.
I decided to pick up a few audio cassettes from my home before leaving and this was one of them besides a set of Sudais-Shuraim.
Believe me brothers, every time I listened to Sura Maaidah recited by Ahmed Al-Ajmi in Taraveeh Prayers during Ramzan, I found myself sobbing like a child. His recitation makes you forget all the worldly desires and happenings and makes you introspect and reflect.
You will actually feel like you are standing in-front of Allah and you feel like begging for forgiveness and nothing else. You will feel like lying down in Sajda posture and keep seeking forgiveness from Allah. Such is his magical voice!
When Al-Ajmi recites the verses, you actually feel like there IS a message in the Quran and Allah IS commanding you to do certain things. You feel like opening up the Quran and following the verses and read the Tarjuma (Translation). Atleast I get into trance and in melancholy.
You feel that life is so worthless if one is not preparing good for the after-life. Please do listen to Surah Maaidah by him. I am downloading the entire Quran recited by Al-Ajmi.
May Allah bless him and all the Muslims around the world and help us tread the right path. ...Ameen.
Hyderabad, India.
ASA to all my Muslim Brothers & Sisters.
May ALLAH bless Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajmi. First time I heard his amazing voice was 2005 when my first son was born. He has the most soothing, most beautiful voice I've ever heard. To me, he is the best Quran reciter.
Friend gave us tape with collection of Sura's from the Holy Quran recited by Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajmi. I started playing the tape to my new born son in his bed time. The amazing thing is that my son started to make noise when ever Surat Al Iqlas started to play, at first we couldn't figure it out what was the problem, but soon we found out that our son was telling us that the tape is about to finish and we had to change to the other side (Masha Allah). I downloaded Sheikh Al-Ajmi's recitation from Surat Naba' to Surat Al-Iqlas and we have played to our son every night while sleeping.
Now my son is 4 years old (May ALLAH Bless him), he can recite all the Sura's from Naba to Al-Iqlas, not so clear but with Sheikh Al-Ajmi style.
Every time my son recites the Quran, I get tears in my eyes and I pray ALLAH bless Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajmi,
ALLAH bless Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajmi,
ALLAH Bless Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajmi.
P.S. Brothers and Sisters of Islam, if you have kids, please play for them the Quran during their bed time because:
1- They'll remember the Quran
2- Quran will protected them
3- Quran playing inside your home is beautiful thing
Assalamalaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barkatuhu, (BISMILLAH)jazakallah khair to sheikh ahmad al ajmi. his quran recitaion is very amazing. allah azzawazal not giving like this gift to every one but sheikh ahmad al ajmi has received this gift(niyamat) from allah azzawazal. but my request to every muslim that don't leave quran simply. it is the words of allah azzawazal. so read quran and not only read also understand it because there is not more advantage of quran readind without understand its meaning. because on the day of qiyamay inshallah this quran will say to allah that ya allah this person was reading me in the world we can say it (sifarish). so i pray to allah subhanawatalah that ya allah please enter sheikh ahmad al ajmi, every muslims and me to jannatul firdaus and make us all neighbours of rasulallah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. aameen ya rabbulaalamin. subhanallahu wa behamdi subhanallahu wal azim.
o Allah grant us peace and justice, give honor to whom honor is due as for me I have only two quranic reciter in the world that is abu bakrr shatiri and ahmed al ajimi this people when I listen then I fell very good as for ahmed al ajimi when I want to sleep at night I play his quranic audio until the morning hour to get his melodious voice. without listening to these reciter I wont have my pleasure at base on quranic recitation ,secondly abu bakrr shatiri is my mentor I will try by all possible means to have a little bit of his voice mashalla by God grace. thanks be to God, if you want to enjoy shatiri recitation just listen surah al Imran you will like him may Allah grant them for what they wish al hamdu lillahi rabbil Aalamin praise be to the lord of the world to given them this sweet voice .
Asalam o alaikum. Masha allah subhan allah im great fan of sheikh ahmad since my teenage. I used to listen him on quranul kareem . I just finished listening surah muhammad in his blessed voice. Im maried now and wish my son could recite like him amin. I like listening quran most of th time n would like to meet him with my family. Quran is great n the truth I wish I die reciting n after that listening it in such a beautiful voice. Ya allah I be the clean n clear when I come to you and please call me and my beloved husband togather with all our responsibility done the best and our kids left as strong and successful in every way
I first heard his tilawah of Fatiha and Al Baqarah in my trip to India from Bahrain in a Gulf Air flight. I was only in grade 6 but I loved it. But had no idea who this Qari was. Later on my umrah trip, we werw passing by a recordings shop in Makkah and heard the same voice being played from the shop. Me and my mother rushed to the shop and asked who this recitor was. And bought the whole set of audio tapes instantly. I fell in love with his recitation of Surah Mursalat. And my style of recitation is somewhat like him. His dua of Khatm quran is also very powerful. May Allah grant him the best in both the worlds..
As salaam Alaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa baraktuhu.
All Praise be to Allah, Lord of all beings.
Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon his last and Final messenger.
May Allah make us all those ( The Believers) who recites the Qur'an, understand, and apply to it.
Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajami is one of the gifted reciters from Allah such us Mohamed Seddiq Al Munshawi, Huthaifa, Abdul Basit Abdul Samad, Hani Ar rafai, and so on Mansha Allah. May Allah Reward them and protect all.
Your Brother In Islam
Al-Mu'tasim Billah
From Adam and Allah's earth
Wa Aakhiru Da'waana Anil Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Aalameen.
Salaam to all my brother's and sister's
may Allah SWT bless Ahmed Al Ajmi hes the best reciter ever i love his voice so much its just amazing; every time i listen to him i feel so happy. may Allah have mercy on all of us.
my Muslim brothers and sisters we should all be prepared for the day of judgment we never know when but we just have to be ready to answer all the questions to the angel of death.
may Allah swt help us all in life and show us the right path to islam wish you all the best in life
Asalamu Alaykum
As salaam Alaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa baraktuhu.
All Praise be to Allah, Lord of all beings.
Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon his last and Final messenger.
May Allah make us all those ( The Believers) who recites the Qur'an, understand, and apply to it.
Sheikh Ahmed Al Ajami is one of the gifted reciters from Allah such us Mohamed Seddiq Al Munshawi, Huthaifa, Abdul Basit Abdul Samad, Hani Ar rafai, and so on Mansha Allah. May Allah Reward them and protect all.
Your Brother In Islam
muhammad junaid
Assalam O Alaikum,
Alhamdo Lillah e Raabil Alimeen. We Muslims are blessed with such Shaikhs having Masha Allah sweet voice. I have had chance to listen been to Shaikh Al-Ajmi for many years in 90's during Taraweeh prayers in Al-Khobar. Since then I am alway listening to his recitation when I am alone OR Travelling. May Allah bless Shaikh with Good health, Prosperity so that he can serve Propogation of Islam.
May Allah Unite Ummah and turn them towards Islam "Aameen"
Jamil Satti
I first listen to Ahmed Al Ajmi in 2007 when I was going to Gunjur. I then tried to find His CD. Definitely Imam Ajmi is one of the greatest reciters of The Holy Qu'ran. The manner in which He recites the Holy Qu'ran makes you fear God and makes you remember the existence of The TRUTH and only the TRUTH that is Islam as the true RELIGION.
May The blessings of God be upon Him and all those who listen to His recitation and The Holy Qu'ran in general. Asalam Alaikum Warahmatullah.
Assalamualaikum. I'm from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Syeikh Ahmed al Ajmi was the gifted insan by Allah. His voice and the murattal recitation by him was very nice and make our soul peacefull and really great thankfull to Allah. I never stop listening to his 30 juz CD Al Qura'an recitation which I bought from Mecca.
I recommend to you muslim brothers and muslimah sisters, please listen recitation of Surah Saad by al Ajmi. Mashaa Allah, TabaraqAllah.
Syuqron kathiraa.
ALLAH YA Salaam u alaikum
I have no words to praise your beautiful voice. What a style allah has blessed you with to recite the holy Quran. For several years I heard 1 surah (Surah Zilzalah) in a voice that really touched you, but I didn't know the qari who was reciting it. Today , after several years, I came to know that he is "Ahmad al Ajmi", and I swear I am downloading your recitation. You have got heart throbbing voice. May allah bless you.
Salaam u alaikum
I have no words to praise your beautiful voice. What a style allah has blessed you with to recite the holy Quran. For several years I heard 1 surah (Surah Zilzalah) in a voice that really touched you, but I didn't know the qari who was reciting it. Today , after several years, I came to know that he is "Ahmad al Ajmi", and I swear I am downloading your recitation. You have got heart throbbing voice. May allah bless you.
Asslamalikum, first time i heard him when i was in saudia, iam alhamdullilah a good reciter of quran with tajweed, i have heard many including imam of haramains and qari abdul basit, as far as tawjeed is concernd its difficult to match anyone with qari abdul basit, BUT if you want a reciter of quran that touches your heart, soul & make u cry, than its only one Ahmed Alajmi, tremndous power he have in his recitation.
Ahmed Al Ajmi is the best reciter of all time. When he recites Quran he inspires all people no matter in what religion they are.It's greatest gift of Allah that we have such reciter on the earth.
I wish you to be sincere in the way of Allah Subhana Wa Taala.
P.S Please make dua for my son that he could be best reciter of the Quran.May Allah bless you and bless all of muslims in the world
Assalam Aleykum.
asaalam aleykum all muslims and brothers. SHEIKH ahmed al ajmi is one of the best Quraan reciters in the world.He have magical voice which ALLAH SUBHANAHU WATAALA granted him.I started listening your recitation in 2012 and it made me cry walahii .May Allah grant you your desires and grant you paradise firdous inshaalah.I wil try and make sure my children be like you INSHAALAH.Asaalam aleykum warahmaa tulaah
Assalam-u-Alykum to all Muslims, When I first heard Shiekh Ahmed Al Ajmi,his voice touched my soul. I just love his voice. Whenever I listen him, tears begin to flow from my eyes. I don't why? He has a very beautiful voice. May Allah save him from all devils. When thing I will say " Please Ahmed Al Ajmi, Spread your talent all over the world" Insha Allah. Allah bless you and all muslims. Aamin.
Thank you, Sheik Al-Ajmi! Your recitation is beautiful! So clear and heart-felt. As a non-Arabic speaker learning this wonderful language, your recitation has been of great help, not only in learning the language, but also the culture of its speakers :) I wish you, your family and all your associates every happiness, now and in the future!