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Biography of Maher Al Mueaqly

Maher Al Mueaqly, born Maher Ibn Hamd Ibn Mueaql Al Mueaqly Al Baloui, is a Saudi Imam and Qur’an reciter. He was born Chawal 18, 1388 Hijri in Madinah.
Maher Al Mueaqly grew up in Madinah. He earned a professional degree in mathematics and joined the educational stuff of Balat Al Shohada’ School and later became the students adviser in Abd Al Majid School of Makkah.
In 1425, Maher Al Mueaqly got a master in Shariaa from Umm Al Qura University. Lecturer in the Shariaa and Islamic Sciences Faculty, Maher was leading prayers in Abd Arrahmane Assaadi Mosque, Makkah. From 1416H to 1427, Maher Al Mueaqly was imam at the Prophet’s mosque and the Holy Mosque.
Maher Al Mueaqly’s discography including his recitations was released and sold across many Muslim countries.
I & my mother was at Saudi Arabia from Durgapur/WestBengal/India in the year 2007 December for performing Hajj and we have heard recitation of Holy Quran in the voice of Shaikh Salih al Talib and Shaikh Maher al Muaeqily and since then we are very much fond of their voices as we performed salah behind them at Masjid -Al-Haram during this period. Since then we are very interestingly used to watch all three records of salah i.e. Fajr Maghrib and Isha to let us satisfy with the sight of Holy Ka'aba, Masjid -Al-Haraam and to hear the wonderful voices of all Imams particularly Shaikh Maher al Muaeqily and Shaikh Saleh al Talib. I wished to have another chance to perform salah following to these imams and wish strongly to see them once personally. May Allah bestow me this chance to perform Hajj again and to offer prayers in the imamat of these imams. May Allah prosper them and all the imams of Masjid Al Haraam and Masjid-E-Nabavi i.e. Shaikh al huthaify, shaikh al budair, shaikh abdul qasim and all those whom I could not recall here.
Readers are requested to remember me in their prayers. Your brother in Islam,
Mohammed Shah Nawaz Khan
The Indian Institute of Metals
(Metallurgy & Materials Engineering)
West Bengal
I was at Saudi Arabia from Karachi Pakistan in the year 2007 December for performing Hajj and I have heard recitation of Holy Quran in the voice of Shaikh Salih al Talib and Shaikh Maher al Muaeqily and since then I am very much fond of their voices. Since then I used to watch all three salah i.e. Fajr Maghrib and Isha to let me satisfy with the sight of Holy Ka'aba, Masjid al Haraam and to hear the wonderful voices of all Imams particularly Shaikh Maher al Muaeqily and Shaikh Saleh al Talib. I wished to have another chance to perform salat following to these imams and wish strongly to see them once personally. May Allah bestow me this chance to perform hajj again and to offer prayers in the imamat of these imams. May Allah prosper them and all the imams of Masjid al Haraam and Masjid-e-Nabavi i.e. Shaikh al huthaify, shaikh al budair, shaikh abdul qasim and all those whom I could not recall here.
Readers are requested to remember me in their prayers. Your brother in Islam,
Abdul Majid Modi
Karachi University,
First I like to praise Allah, that Allah Subhan-N-Tala had created the human being on earth, amongst us he had created the Imam of Haram sharif. SubhanAllah, Quran is the beautiful book in the galaxy, and the Best Quran Recites are very few, amongst that one is Sheikh Maher al Mueaqly. Mashaallah! Allah has given him very beautiful sweet voice. I heard him First when I was in Kuwait, and then I heard him Live when I enter Kabba (Makah), his voice had made my eyes filled with tear, my soul & my body was listening to him very deeply. Alhamdulillah I also had an opportunity to pray salah behind him. May Allah give me more opportunity to listen him live. Insha’Allah.
Readers are requested to remember me in your prayers.
Saudi Arabia / Riyadh
I am currently in Nigeria. And I am also a Nigerian. I have never ever went for Hajj and I am intending to go for one if Allah Almighty wills. I am a good fan of Maher Me'aqli, I am a person that loves and cherish Islamic scholars, I like His voices.
I just finish writing my Secondary School Certificate Examination[SSCE]. And I need prayers from everyone and also I need prayers from the Honourable Sheikhs of Saudi to pass my examinations in flying colours and to be able to visit the Kingdom to see the Holy Ka'abah, The Grave of The Holy prophet[S.A.W] with His Honourable Companions and There Eminence, Maher Me'aqli, Abdulrahman Sudais, Sa'idil Ghamidi etc. May the Almighty Allah bless them abundantly and help us to pass our exam honourably and to perfom a Hajj welldone.... Ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
First of all,All praise is due to Allah may peace and blessing s of Allah be upon our prophet,Muhammed,his family,his companions and upon all those who follow his guidance till the day of resurrection.Alhamdulillah it is my pleasure & honor to write a comment about what I feel regarding Ustaz Maher Al-Mueaqly.When I heard his recitation of the Qur'an for the first time on the grand mosque of Mecca during the salah time,I was so much impressed on his very exciting voice,ALHAMDULILLAH.though I didn't meet him personally neither did I enjoy the opportunity of coming to Mecca and praying behind this Imam and others at the grand mosque,Masjid Al-Haram,yet I really love his recitation and voice and he himself as well.may Allah bless him,may Allah protect him may Allah be pleased with him.AMEEN!!!
I & my wife went to mercy land Saudia Arabia from Peshawar Pakistan in the year 2011 (Ramdan) for performing umera and we have heard reciatation of Holy Quran in the sweet vioce of Shaikh Maher al Muaeqily many time in different prayers in HARAM and especialy Traveh and feel that in the vioce of Sahaik Mahar enter in the muslim hearts. All Shaikh's of Holy Kaaba, Masjid Al-Haraam have wonderful and sweetly voice's and gave a peace to hearts of muslims. I pray that a chance may be achieve to me for performance of HAJJ. May allah bestow me this chance to perform HAJJ and to offer prayers in the imamat of Kaba (Ameen).
All reader are requested to prayers for me.
Peshawar Pakistan
AoA! I performed Umrah back in Aug 2007 with my wife after 3 months of my marriage and the first salat in Masjid Al Haram was Maghrib Prayers. It was lead by Sheikh Mahir and I found people crying. Being a Pakistani, Arabic is not our first language but I had read Arabic at school. When I tried to listen it carefully I also found tears on my cheeks. Indeed it is sheikhs vision that he propagates through his voice and the verses were Sura Zamar's last ayaats. May Allah give me more opportunity to listen him live. Insha’Allah. and May Allah give Sheikh Maher long life with health and prosperity and with devotion to recite in Kaaba till death. AAmeen
Ahsan Raza Khan
Islamabad, Pakistan
I love Sh Maher's recitation. I always listen to it in my car and mashallah, he is unbelievable. I only found out about him during my hajj trip this year and so bought his CD.He just touches my heart with his recitation. He is one of my favorite reciters and I pray that Allah (swt) gives me a similar voice and allows me to recite the Qur'an like all of the reciters on this beautiful website. May Allah (swt) reward the brothers and sisters that put this website together, because now we can put a face to a voice. I have sent this link to all my Muslim friends so they too can benefit from this amazing website inshallah.
Jazak AllahuWa Khayrum
Allah has indeed blessed us with a person like Imam Maher whose soulful rendition of the holy Quran invokes our inner beings. May Allah bless him with a healthy long life and us with the pleasure of hearing him often. I write in from Bangalore, India where I watch the channels Saudi Quran and Sunnah besides Iqraa via a C band dish and receiver. This enables us watch the proceedings in the Haram anytime of the day and is another blessing indeed. The Iqraa channel features Imam Maher's rendition of Surat Kahaf every Friday which I try not to miss. We miss Imam Abdur Rahman as Sudais these days. Allah bring him back in Haram for us soon please. Aameen.
My Aunt and I are very fond of his sweet, amazing voice. We have never heard another man recite the Quran the way he does. His voice is a miracle and It RACES you toward ISLAM. And you would not want to ever miss the chance of listening to his voice. We are eager to see him perform his salah live every day. Mahir al mueaqly rocks Islam all the way to HEAVEN!!! We are becoming better readers of the quran because of him. We learned many surahs because of him as well. We are going Inshallah to Saudia Arbia to see him in july and are very excited to pray after him and sad if we don't get a chance to hear his lovely voice.
Assalamu Alaikum,
Am from Nigeria, ever since i was a kid i have been passionate with Quran reciters especially sheik Abdulsamad Abdulbasit whom i like to imitate as a child, i became more fascinated when i started listen to Sheik Maher Almueaqly,
I was opportune to perform Hajj in 2013 (1434AH) in which Sheik Maher led us in most Salaat at Masjid Haram Makkah.
I Performed Umrah early this year precisely March/April, fortunate enough to Pray most of the Salaat behind the sheik.
I wish the Sheik long-life and prosperity, strength, Allah's Guidance.
Assallam u aliakum my muslim brothers & sisters. Since I was in at MAKKA this year i-e 2009-2010 shaikh al maher has lift his great love in my heart soon after his prayers I came back to peshawar pakistan but to this time the prayer prayed in his leadership is reminding 24hours in my mind. I can certainly say that is a great and all time my favorite imam. May Allah maintained his voice as beautifully and as sweat as it is.
Remember me and my all muslims brothers and sisters in prayers.
Fiazan Ullah
I Live in Pakistan. I am Civil Engineer and is working as Additional Director in WAPDA for construction Projects. I have visited Saudi Arabia for Hajj in 2008 and for Umrah in Ramdan Mubarak. I love to hear the live Qur'an during Traveeh as well as from other sources by the Voice my beloved Mahir Al Mueaqly. I pray for his long and healthy Live. I pray for the betterment all the Muslims living in different parts of the World. May ALLAH Almighty defeat the Non Muslims with all their bad intention against Muslims. Aameen
I have always enjoyed and appreciated the Quran recitation of Shaikh Maher el Muaeqily. When I started my very recent trip to Umrah I invoked Allah to grant me prayers behing Shaikh Maher and to see him. Elhamdulillah during my stay in Makkah all the Maghreb prayers were led by him and during my last evening I saw the police escorting him out of the Masjid al Haram. My love in Islam for him has only grew and I am thanking Allah for giving him the lovely voice that makes us enjoy Quran even more.
I have never heard so far in my life the Imam reciting Al Quran as good as Sheik Maher AlMueagily. When I performed Umrah recently I prayed many times Sheik Maher became the Imam (leading prayer) . His voice was w very soft and wonderful and I kept on asking myself who was the imam which was endowed with such good voice which encouraged me strongly to perform the prayer at Masjid Al Haraam. I wish I can come again to pray in this wonderful Masjid AlHaram.
Allah is great!
Respected IMAMs of Haramian Shareef,
MASHAALLAH Sheikh Mahir Al Mueaqly have really heart touching voice. May Allah Bless him. I really like the voice of IMAMs of Haramain shareef specially Sheikh Abdul Rehman Al Sudais, Sheikh Al Saud Al Shuraim and Sheikh Mahir Al Mueaqly. I wish I would meet these Islamic Scholars and listen live Qirat INSHAA ALLAH
Thanks & Regardss
Jawaid Ahmed
Allied Bank Liminted
Karachi, Pakistan
Shaikh Maher al Mueaqly is one of the Best Quran Reciters whom Allah has granted a sweet voice and has ability to control the listeners' spiritual emotions. I had experience to listen to him for the first time when I was at Saudi Arabia in the year 2007-8 to perform Hajj. I loved his recitation of Quran and pray for his everlasting successes here and Hereafter. I wish if I do have another chance to offer prayers in his leading. Allahumma Aameen.
mashallah i think sh.mahir is num 1 on the list in makkah wow is recition is running in saudi mashallah allah reward him and give him and his family and us and all the other imam of the haramain and scholers like sh.salah alfozan and Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz and sh.Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani nd sh.Muhammad ibn Salih ibn Muhammad ibn al-Uthaymin sh.Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad Al-`Abbaad sh.Rabee Al-Madkhali jannat alfirdos ameen.
I have always enjoyed and appreciated the Quran recitation of Shaikh Maher el Muaeqily. When I started my very recent trip to Umrah I invoked Allah to grant me prayers behing Shaikh Maher and to see him. Elhamdulillah during my stay in Makkah all the Maghreb prayers were led by him. My love in Islam for him has only grew and I am thanking Allah for giving him the lovely voice that makes us enjoy Quran even more.
Mashallah, Sheikh Mueaqly's voice is amazing and every time I hear his voice it reminds me of when I went to Makkah last year March/April, because I heard him there. It makes me want to go back there. Every single sheikh has a WONDERFUL voices but Mueaqly has to be one of my favourite.
Inshallah, I'll get to go Makkah and Madinah again and Inshallah i'll be able to pray as fantastic as Sheikh Muueaqly.