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Biography of Akram Al Aalakmi

His full name is Sheikh Akram Al Sayid Abdullah Ismail Al Aalakmi, one of Egypt’s most popular Quran readers. He is famous for the beauty of his voice and for his talent during the “Tajweed”. He is one of those Quran readers who confirm the following quote: “The holy Quran was revealed in Mecca, written in Istanbul, and read in Egypt”.
Sheikh Akram Al Aalakmi was born on Friday, 24th December, 1971, in Egypt. He had within him religious tendencies since his beginnings, as he decided to study the “Quranic readings sciences”. He received a high certification in the “Ten readings”, a certification and an accreditation according to Hafas Aan Assem’s recitation method, as well as a recommendation from Sheikh Issa Al Maasaraoui. He is currently a student in the last phase of specialization at the Institute of readings.
After his graduation, Sheikh Akram was appointed as an Imam in numerous mosques. The first one was “Abdullah Bin Masaud” mosque as an Imam and a preacher, then in “Ansar Al Suna Al Muhammadia” mosque as an Imam, then in “Chabab Al Islam” mosque that is affiliated to “Ansar Al Suna” association covering the Imamate task, and then he was appointed as a preacher in “Abdullah Bin Masaud” mosque, that is associated with the “ministry of Awqaf”.
Besides that, Sheikh “Akram Al Aalakmi” was assigned the Imamate for “Al Qiyam” and “Taraweeh” prayers in several Arabic countries, as well as teaching the holy Quran for more than twenty five years. Also, “Al Majd” channel, “Al Hafid” channel, and “Al Fajr” channel gave him the opportunity to do the “Tilawat” of the holy Quran.
Masha Allah what a beautiful and clear voice you have. Your style is very attractive and 100% according to the rules of Tajweed. I was looking for a reciter that can recite in the style of Sh. Khalid Al Qahtani. I think you are the 1st person who have full-filled my desire.
May Allah help you to spread the light of Quran and Islam all over the work with your melodious voice. I hope you will be the one of the greatest reciters of Quran in coming days.
Wish you best of luck.