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Ali Jaber
Ali Jaber, born Ali Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ali Jaber, was an eminent reciter from Saudi Arabia. He was born in Jeddah in 1373 Hijri. While he was five, Ali moved with h...
Alhamduli'Allaah wasalaamu Alaa Muhammad Alayhiwasallaam.
To proceed I beg for Allaah's mercy and assistance in all of our affairs.
I've studied Quran for many years, and have been helped much by Sheikh Ali Jaber's voice. Ramatu'Allaahi alayhi..
My recitation sound like his very easily, yet I could not see his face. Thanks to this site, after more than twenty years listening to him, I get to see his picture. And now after being able to recite like him and others, I simply choose to sound like him when I read Holy Quran sitting and in my salaat. Allaah reward this effort. Aameen
As for the students I teach Quran to, I also recite their lessons to them in the voice of Cheikh Ali Jaber rahimahu'Allaah, and encourage them to review as well as recite with Ali Jaber on this site..So more blessings for all of us. Insha'Allaah. And we pray Allaah unites us with the prophets, the righteous ones, and Ashuhadaa on the day of judgment. Aameen
May Allaah give the light of the Quran and the Islam to Cheikh Ali jaber rahimahu'Allaah as he lays where he is. Aameen
These statements are to say the very least of how his voice affects my Quranic career. Ahamduli'Allaah
His voice is very much alive, and reminds me of the Quranic verses."they are not dead but alive with Allaah's blessings". And Allaah knows best..
May Allah shower His Mercy upon our Shaikh. Shaikh Ali Abdullah Jaber... “Whoever loves to meet Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aala, Allah loves to meet them!" Shaikh Ali Jabir left us early. We wished we prayed behind him more and more in the Masjidul Haram. He is someone whose recitation make you forget everything else. You don't want him to finish his recitation.. wish to continue on and on standing before the Kaaba and listening his Taraweeh. In fact Ali Jaber was the best Qari of his time as said by Shaikh Mashari Rashid al-Afasy. Those who realized and knew him, loved him deep in their hearts. There are many who tries to imitate this Shaikh,,, but they may do with closeness of their voice and style. But Ali Jabir was unique. He stood in the garden of Glorious Quran while reciting, those who listened to it, also felt some breeze from the taste he felt in his heart. Irresistible. May Allah Azzawajal bestow him the highest of Paradise. Insha-Allah one day we shall meet him. The day the reciter of the Quran will be said,,, Keep reciting and keep climbing the heights of paradise,, Your place in Jannah is at the last verse you recite. May Allah make us amongst the People of Quran...Ameen.
Masha'allah to the creators of this website, and Masha'allah to ALI JABER ,. May Allah make him happier in Jannah than the way he makes me happy in this Dunya. May Allah guide his family in the path of the Sunnah. It is sad that the younger generation do not know much about him. The time that he was Imam in the Haram, in those days satellite TV was a luxury and was not common for all to get. When he makes Dua for Qunoot you would not want him to stop. My dear brother Awais, Being Imam of Makkah is an honour that comes from Allah, May be the services Ali Jaber delivered after being removed from the post of Imam of Haram Makki were more important in eyes of Allah. More important thing is to understand islam, understand quran and applying it in your daily life... May Allah help us with that... inshallah Asalamalikum May Allah grant you entrance to Jannah, and to all the mumineen that have passed on, may Allah forgive them their sins and those before them till the begining. AMEEN.
Ismail Sheku Umarr Kebe
finally found my favorite reciter of Al Quran Karim today. Allah know how much I have long to know his name. I will listen to his recitation several times to imitate him. Untill one day somebody met me listening to his recitation and the person said to me is this your recording? i said nope, its my favorite reciter. I was overwhelmed! After searching several times on the Internet, listening to every recitation i could see so that Allah bless me to find his recitation. Today I finally found him but; sadly for me, he had passed away long ago. May Allah have mercy on his soul and grant me the opportunity to meet him in jannah. I wished to tell him how much i have loved him back in the dunya
I love the recitation of Sheikh Ali Abdullah Jabir (RA). My only regret is not being able to see him live. His recitation makes me so happy and his voice is so golden that I feel like seeing gold when he recites. May Allah make him happier in Jannah than the way he makes me happy in this Dunya. May Allah guide his family in the path of the Sunnah. It is sad that the younger generation do not know much about him. The time that he was Imam in the Haram, in those days satellite TV was a luxury and was not common for all to get. When he makes Dua for Qunoot you would not want him to stop.
I love the recitation of Sheikh Ali Abdullah Jabir.I love this sheikh, may Allah bless him and his family paradise. One day I was reading quran in tahfiz class, my teacher said to me " Mashallah Abubakar you read like sheikh Huzaifi (5%) and sheikh Ali Jaber (95%)"Which I didn't even knew!
Then I came to this website and I read sheik Ali Jaber's biography and heard his beautiful, magnificent and I can't stop listening to it. May Allah bless him with no punishments and for him to live with the wives of paradise inshallah.
if someone had every desired to see Ali Abdullah jabir in the haram reciting, i am the first...since before i was sent to learn the holy coran i used to listen to his recitacion on cassets in my workman. since then till the actuall date almost every day i listen to him its as if am seeing him. up to a certain level am able to imitate his voice but wallah of course i cant get his voice..i really love him i love his voice..his death was a grief for me and all my family and friends..may Allah reward him the janna al firdaws
Well, for me I just brought up in Azare,(my hometown) Bauchi State, Nigeria (West Africa) listening and trying to imitate The Late Sheik's GOLDEN Voice. Sheik Ali Jabir will continue to play a vital role in my life and also will be my mentor or role model especially when comes to the Recitation of The Holy Qur'an. I love him very much,cI always listen to his recitation,cespecially the one he recited in 1980s. May Allah in His infinite mercy grand him an internal rest in Aljannatul Firdausi, Ameen. Saleh Salihu.
Allah is thankful for our voices by Sheikh Ali Jaber.
In fact, I'm more and more enjoyable by Ali's cheek
It is true that I am well pleased.
I would like to start the process of choosing Sheikh Ali Jaber's voice, but due to the circumstances, it will now be in the hands of Allah.
So, I'm asking you, brothers, that you pray to Allah to make me easier to make your voice heard.
And I greeted all of you.
May Allah grant us the blessed month of Ramadan.
In 1984, when I join a refinery, first time I hear the voice of Sheikh Ali Abdullah Bin Jabir, in Haram shreef, his voice grab my mind and I can not explain the emotion of mine. I did not see him (I mean picture)just few Days AGO I saw him on this site, I really Love his voice when he recite the Quran. It's my deep wishes that he should be again in Haram Makki shareef in Taraveeh pray, and Tahajjud pray, someone tell me why they sap rate him from Immam-e-Kaaba shreef?
Actually, may Allah have mercy on his grave and light in it,because Allah promise whosoever walk in the part of him, Allah said that person will never go astray,and may Allah reword him,because Allah have gave him the opportunity and capacity to memorize Qur'an he memorized,Allah command us to recite Quran in a beautiful way he deed,may Allah have mercy on him.
We that still there, may Allah gives us strength and capacity to imitate this kind of peoples.Ansalam .
Salam, May Allah(s.w.t)have may mercy on shek ali jaber.Actualy i love the recitation Of Ali jaber to the extent that i feel to cry when ever heard his recitation.His golden voice is really a blessing from Allah to His rare servant.His golden voice igntes my intrest in recitating the holy quran when ever i heard it.iam trying to imitate his voice and Alhamdullilah am succesful in achieving so. i hope Almighty Allah grant him jannatul firdous Ameen
The imam at my local mosque, Ustaz Fahmi Hamdan Ali, can recite exactly like him and he never fails to amaze me. First heard of Sheikh Ali Jaber in 2007/2008 and instantaneously felt in love with his recitations ever since.. I ever tried to imitate him, at times successful and at times not. Some sheikhs that I'm comfortable imitating are Sheikh Sudais, Sheikh Shuraim, Sheikh Mahir and Sheikh Juhani.
~ A slave of Allah from Singapore
Masha Allah, Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar... A Great Reciter, and Servant of Allah Shaikh Ali Jabir (RA) is!!! Any Person who believe and heard his voice for Qur'an can never forget him. Many people miss him dearly. Allah Subhan watalah grant him High Degree of Jannah and make him the neighbour of Prophet Muhammed pbuh and His Companions... Ameen.
He will be remembered for his voice and service till the Day of Judgement.
Allahu Akbar, may Allah subhanahu wataallah bless the memory of Shaik Aliyu jabir till the day of resurrection,and forgive about his shortcoming Amin.Becouse his voice in recitation of the Quran shape many listeners around the globe to imitate, Alhamdullah that save as role models for the present and future generations to come we pray to almighty God to involve ourselves and our family in general Amin summa Amin.
My dear brother Awais, Being Imam of Makkah is an honour that comes from Allah, May be the services Ali Jaber delivered after being removed from the post of Imam of Haram Makki were more important in eyes of Allah. more important thing is to understand islam, understand quran and applying it in ur daily life... may allah help us with that... inshallah
I wish ali jabiri a good life in his afterlife mashallah, my favorite qiraah. Sheikh Ali jaber is my all time best reciter, I am filled with so much emotions when I hear him recite the glorious quran. May Allah SWT continue to have mercy on his soul and increase his rank in paradise. May Allah have peace and mercy upon this sheikh. When I hear him I feel asking Allah to put him into jannah.
masha allah, jazallahu kheyran for sh. Ali Jaber, i used listen his recitaion since i was child, i have learned lot of Quran from his voice, when ever i listen my heart start crying, i love him so much, and i pray for him Jannatul firdowsa, he is the best reciter i have ever listened. may Allah bless you and reward ajar untill the doomsday amin amin amin ya Allah.
My dear brother Awais, Being Imam of Makkah is an honor that comes from Allah, May be the services Ali Jaber delivered after being removed from the post of Imam of Haram Makki were more important in eyes of Allah. More important thing is to understand islam, understand quran and applying it in your daily life... May Allah help us with that... Insha'Allah.
May God bless you SHEIK ALI JABER, I love you for ever and I always listen to his quran, I'm trying be like him, I love his voice so much, I want to ask guys why they removed our sheik ALI JABER from masjid haraam, I mean kabbeh? I would like to know that, really when I hear his voice it make something in my mine. I will not forget him.