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Ali Jaber
Ali Jaber, born Ali Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ali Jaber, was an eminent reciter from Saudi Arabia. He was born in Jeddah in 1373 Hijri. While he was five, Ali moved with h...
Magical! Wonderful! Beautiful! Out of this world! Something special in his voice! Voice from the heavens! No one can ever be like him! May Allah bless him Jannat ul Firdous! Ameen!
All others copy him...
alhamdu lillah i love the great reciter of the Holy Quran. His voice is not less than a miracle itself. He is my teacher without even meeting him. May Allah Jalla w ala bless him in Jannatul Firdaus Ameen
He reads the Quran from his heart.
I wish I could hug him and kiss his head.
May Allah have mercy on your sheikh Ali Jaber And may He (Allah) reward you with higher position in paradise.
JazakAllah Khaiyrr.....
May Allah (SWT) grant him Jannaatul Firrdaus.
His recitations bring joy to me even when am sad or angry.
Wonderful voice with a wonderful teasher thank you man I fil so good when I listen to you voice thank you again
One of my favorite Qur-aan reciter ever...
I love his voice very much...
Yusuf AR Khateeb
Mumbai, India.
Some one please tell me why sheikh ali jaber did not hold his hands during prayers and leave them unbend?