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Biography of Fares Abbad

Fares Abd Rabbuh Mohammed Abbad, is a Yemeni Cheikh who is considered as one of the most prominent Quran Readers, as well as being involved as an Imam in Ali bin Abi Talib mosque, which is located in Doha Area in the east of Saudi Arabia, his melodious voice is very known in Almajd Channel TV, where he’s currently working.
He was born in Yemeni Capital; Sanaa in April,12th on 1980, he’s the second child of his parent, and a Father of 3 boys and a girl.
His interest in the Holy Quran has started since he was a little kid; therefor he’s learnt it by heart in many schools at Sanaa’s City, and he was graduated through the typical sessions, which took place in Bilal Ibn Rabah Mosque where he was accompanied by the senior Cheikhs, such as the Cheikh Fadl Morad who thought him the technique of reciting the Quran. The Cheikhs who had influenced him were very known in the islamic world, like Abdul Basit Abdul Samad and Mohamed Al Mohisni.
His talent of reciting the Quran started to be known, and his voice impressed many people, as it was a mixture of disconcerting and reverence, as a result, he started as an Imam of Tarawih prayers, in Bilal Ibn Rabah Mosque on 1994, and remained so for 7 years.
And smoothly, his fame started spreading around the Islamic world through the huge number of his audio recordings, most notably, the whole Quran recited on 2003, which was financed by the Qadaissia Records company, and played a huge role in the publication of his performances, according to Cheikh Abbad, he also recorded a complete version of Quran, the incantation legitimacy and the poem “Nounia Al Qahtani”, that is composed of Eight hundred verses, which was recited by his own voice. In addition to that, he recorded the Introduction of Ibn Al Qayem (the Paradise Description), ”The day 2 sides reminders”, “The possession spell”, and “The magic spell”. Besides his registration of some scientific texts, he’s currently getting ready to issue “The fortress of Muslim” with a new perspective.
The Cheikh Fares Abad spent many years in Saudi Arabia where he led the muslim prayers in Ali Ibn Taleb Mosque in Dhahran City for two years starting on 2006, after that he moved to Ajman in the United Arab Emirates.
He’s currently working as Quran Reciter in Almajd TV. His first TV Interview was conducted in May 2011, through a program called “the Quran” which was broadcasted in Sharjah UAE Channel.
Alhamdulillah, nice voice and beautiful recitation. I hope Allah will accept our listening and put it in our balance of good deals. My friend eng.Mehmoud introduce his voice and he given me complete quran mp3 cd of shaik fares abbad. From two tears Ramadan I am praying behind of shaik fares abbad in ajman mosques. In this year ramadan most of all my family members also praying behind him. Inshaallah I want my all ramadan prayers behind him. I hope Allah are giving you lots of hassanat.. Assalam.
Subhanallah! My Muslim brother Mohammed from Morocco told me about this reciter. We were taliking about our favorite qaris and he let me listen to this one on his iphone. Seems like you can hear beautiful Quran no matter where you are. Alhamdulillah, Allah has given us this technology so we can also use it to remember and worship him. I love Quran, I love Muslims, and I love Allah. LA ILAHA IL ALLAH.
Ramadan Kareem beautifull sight Inshallah I will learn this beautifull melodys and articulations.
I love the sound of this brothers voice as well as the other brother give thanx for this great experience may Allah bless all my brothers and sister and please remember if you say LA ilaha ill Allah Muhammad sollahu alais wa sallam a rasul Allah you are muslim after thta let Allah decide please.
Alhamdulillah...For nearly more than 1 year i am listening to faris abbad recitation almost everyday ..this was introduced to me by my friend mr:fayez a colligue of mine in etisalat..alhamdulillahh i am very happy with this .. am liking this style of recitation, and feels more closer to me whenever am listening to it..let allah give him jannah...aameeennnnn
Asalam aleikum, I pray Allah gives you more blessings here and hereafter. May his mercy be poured on you, Fares Abad. I am always listening to Quran, your good voice gives me more courage of listening to Quran and will do that everyday.I always recommend you to others and ask them to listen how wonderfully Quran is read. MashAllah, May Allah bless you.
Mashallah, May Allah reward you my brother in Islam, Fares Abbad. Your touching voice makes me to listen to Quran more and more. Besides that through your recitation , I managed to correct myself in reading Quran, and can't miss a day without listening to quran. Shukran, wa Jazaka Allah Khier.
just want to say thanks a lot for this beautiful recitation!!!!!
I love you fi LAHH, and wish one day will pray behind you. I pray Allah gives you more blessings here and hereafter. May his mercy be poured on you, Fares Abad. I am always listening to Quran, SALME alikoum.
Alhamdulillah, nice voice and recitation. May Allah forgive us from our sins in this temporary world and i hope Allah is making our enemy more weak and making our brothers and sisters in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan more strong (Laa haula walaa quwwata illa billah)- amin
Nice voice and recitation, I hope God will accept our listening and put it in our balance of good deals. Don't forget to pray with our profhet mohammed peace be upon him (allahoma salli wa salim ala sayidina mohammed)
and pray for me.Shukran, wa Jazaka Allah Khier.
Assalam Alaikom,
Brothers / sisters, can you tell me where is Shk Fares, inshallah i hope to follow him in prayers.Inshallah I will be very happy to meet him in person and listen to this beautiful voice.
which masjid is he Iman now ?
Barakallah !
Its a nice voice and recitation. I hope allah forgive our sins. Mashallah.The first time I heart the recitation, I think,... Its so unbeliveable. That I call a for beautiful recitation.. I hope Allah are giving you lots of hassanat.. Assalam..
i really like the reciation from fares abbad... it's clear and relaxes me..
i hope he could come to indonesia and become an imam for shalat, more over it would be lovely if he could stay for whole ramadhan for night shalat (at-taraweeh).
I am from Nigeria, and am using his voiced to impressing my self.I wish him to found khairan in this dunya and there after.
Therefore on my self am trying to learn how to be perfect in Qur'an recitation your advice is needed thank you.
Nice voice and recitation, I hope God will accept our listening and put it in our balance of good deals. Don it forget to pray with our profhet Mohammed peace be upon him (allahoma salli wa salim ala sayidina
Nice voice and recitation, I hope God will accept our listening and put it in our balance of good deals. Don't forget to pray with our profhet mohammed peace be upon him (allahoma salli wa salim ala sayidina mohammed)
Djazza Kallaah, for uploading Sheikh's recitation, which is magical and 3D clear. May Allaah SWT bestow his mercy and blessings on Sheikh, Ameen. May Allaah SWT give you lots of rewards for sharing this audio, Ameen
Inshaallah i will pray ramadan behind him in makkah. One of the best voices in the world
I hope Allah are giving you long life.
We all wish him the best and to see him emam in Makkah, Madinah and Al-Qudes.
May Allah bless this brother increasingly, I fell in love again with my Quran after listening to him.
Wish I had the ability to recite as beautifully :)
JazaakAllahu khair.
MASHALLAH your voice is one of the best i listen to quran every day and change reciters to see who is the one i like the most and i stoped changing and started to listen to u
Mashallah, your voice is the best in the world i hope i mat you sheikh faris abbad and i will make dua for you and me that we can see each other in jannah inshaallah