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Sami Yusuf
Sami Yusuf is a British singer and songwriter. He was born in Tehran (Iran) from Azeri Muslim parents in July 1980 and grew up in London. Sami Yusuf made his sing...
Hi I am Tesnime from tunisia . I love all Samis'songs . Infact , I love all in this excellent website . First thing I always do when I connect is opening assabile and exactly sami youssef'anshid . His songs have good effects on me and pushs me to cry sometimes because of the deep meanings I find . Nowadays , bad songs have taken over the world . And thanks to God , there are people like Sami youssef who still make beatiful islamic songs that please youngsters and adults too . In short , I wish you all the best . We all love you . Wa kan allahou ta3ala fi 3awnika wa wafakaka lima fihi khayr wa salah al omma . Mashallah alik Sami youssef... wassalam .
Hi I am Zrah Deeda from Mauritius and I really love Sami yusuf's songs. Everyday I listened all your songs. Masha Allah you have a very beautiful voice, May Allah bless you, your family, and May Allah forgives all our sins, saves us in the day of judgement and also saves us from the punishment of the grave. Keep it up Mr Sami Yusuf, May Allah reward you for your work. In Mauritius all your islamic songs influenced all the muslims, specially the youngters, it increased our faith, so Good luck. Well Done!Jazakillah khair!salam
I am igballe from kosova, I would like to say that you are the best. Your songs make me happy, make me cry and make my think about religion and the great creator Allah and his messenger muhamed salallahu alejhi ve selem. Inshallah you will continue like this even better. Allah is the greatest he will help you and all muslims, people all over the world. I hope you will come in kosova, I would like to listen you live. Allah has given you the great voice so may Allah bless you and reward you for your work so keep going...
I am Valbona from kosova,i would like to say that you are the best.your sonfs make me happy,make me cry and make my think about relegion and the great cretor allah and his messenger muhamed salallahu aljehi ve selam,inshalla you will continue like this even better allah is the gretest he will help ypu and all muslims people all over the world.i hope you will come in kosova,iwould like to listen you live,allah has given you the gret voice so may allah bless you and reward you for your work so kep going...
Asalam Alaikum.Iam zahidullah from afghanistan...
Hello Dear brother. Your really proud of every young boys of Muslims. So your voice is very very nice and sweetie. I hope that every young muslim singers try to sing like you... Bcz he/she will be the best singer and also he/she will be best friend of Allah. So wish you all the best and God bless you always I hope you the best.......
I like all sami Yusuf songs.....I would like to say sami plz create one album for Egypt Muslims present have to see there situation then you can help.they r all fight for not only for mursi but also they r fight for Islam.there media also stopped and radio that people can't do anything.there r all doing one thing that is peacefull by following our prophet.
Sami Yusuf artist actually very cool and I wish him luck and success and beautiful song sung by Hasbi, always call upon God to enter the Gardens of Paradise and the blessings of this world and the blessings of the Hereafter Oh validate the debt and save you from all evil and make your happiness is always in his heart, Lord of the Worlds ...
I am madina from Algeria,i love your songs, i can't spend a day without listening to you,really it is a pleasure and honor to have you us Islamic singer. Please carry on, you are in the right way. You amaze me with your breathtaking voice and significant words. God bless you and i hope that God will reward you, please come visit us.
Hi Assalamu alaikum, My name is Abdul Khader from India, Kerala. i like all Islamic Song in this site especially Sami's song Burdah and hasbi rabbi. other songs also good, when i open Assabile my singer is sami yusuf and after other singers, all singers are good masha allah..., Thanks for creator of in this site "ASSABILE"
I think you have achieved your goals, very nice and lovely easy way to spread Islam all around the world. I love the way you are try to explain about Islam message. God bless you where ever you are. I'am sure that you make every one feel very close to god and really attached to the prophete Mohamad peace been upon him.
My name is Abubakar from Nigeria, I really love sami yusuf and his musics, his excellent musics always keep me busy when ever am alone. Your musics also prevent me from listening to other bad musics as all urs are islamic musics. May Allah bless you and your family all and grant us jannatul firdaus.
salam alekom I am ifra from djibouti, I really like your songs sami and all your songs make me diferent ,I fell something special when I am listening but nowdays bad songs have taken over the world but your songs and your voice'll stay the best. finally i wish you all the best my brother muslum.
Assalamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barkatahu brother i am ayesha sultana I really enjoyed your Islamic
Nasheeds and are really fascinating and even one day I want to sing an Islamic song like you. My most favourite song is " Try not to cry". May God bless you.Allahhafiz keep it up.
Salamou alikum, I am from Sudan. I would really want to salute you for all of us in the middle east, your brothers and sisters all the way to the UK. Your album has been a blessing bringing down charismatic sayings about our Prophet.
Jazak Allahu kheir,
keep going forward.
Hi my name is mutia, i am from United States what i would like to say that Sami Yusuf song make me feel very happy. they make me want to travel all over the world saying ALLAH AKBER. i hope you have a great career and a very happy life, good luck oe sallem alikoom.
Assalamu alaikum Sami Bhai... You are doing a great job,you have very beautiful voice Mashallah...Keep it up.Your all songs are nice specially Hasbi Rabbi.... T.C
i am from kosova.the people don't know where is kosova.the Sami is very great person and i like the make me strong.
sami yousuf is very very good man. sami need to are in hollywood.
Thank you for this effort for Quran and Anasheed collection.
It's really nice. Keep going in this work ;)and adding more Anasheeds for others, it will be great. Again, thank you and I hope you get award from ALLAH for this effort. may ALLAH bless you.
Assalaam u Alaikum.Iam Muhammad Akram from pakistan.
I think you have achieved your goals, very nice and lovely easy way to spread Islam all around the world. I love the way you are try to explain about Islam message. God bless you where ever you are.
I'm Adri from Indonesia.I like all of your song very much. May Allah bless you, your family and all of Muslim in the world. Your album has been a blessing bringing down charismatic sayings about our Prophet.
Allahu Akbar..!!!