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Biography of Taha Mohamed Abdulrahman Al-Fahad

Taha Bin Mohamed Bin Abdulrahman Al Fahad was born in 1982. He is one of the sons of Libya, a country known by “the country of the million Quran Hafiz”, and he is considered to be one of the stars who shined in the sky of the Quranic readings.
Taha Al Fahd’s orientation since the beginning was purely scientific, as he obtained a bachelor degree in computer sciences, before specializing in the Quranic sciences studies, as he earned a specialized certification in the whole Quran memorization according to Qaloon Aan Nafiae’s recitation method, and following the Rasm of Abi Abdullah Al Shuraishi Al Kharraz from the Ministry of Awqaf in Libya. He also obtained a certification from Sheikh Waleed Bin Idriss Al Maneese with the “Sanad” related to the messenger of Allah PBUH according to the recitation methods of Qaloon’s with the Qasr, the silent Mim, and of Hafs’s with the Qasr and without the nasalization of “L and R” from Al Taiba after he read the complete closing of the holy Quran.
In the same context, Al Fahad Abdulrahman obtained a certification from Sheikh Misbah Bin Ibrahim Bin Al Sheikh Ali Wadan Al Dassouki according to the “Ten readings” from Al Shatibiya and Al Durra, and a certification from Sheikh Dr. Abi Khaled Waleed Bin Idriss Al Maneese according to the “Ten minor readings”, then a certification from the same Sheikh, and a special certification of his system “Bahjat Al Arwah” in the systems of the Ahkam of Riwayat Hafs from Al Misbah road.
Sheikh Taha Al Fahd was taught by several Sheikhs and scholars, most notably Sheikh Mohammad Al Saleh Al Salim Al Asmar who taught him the whole holy Quran at the age of twelve years old, then Sheikh Abou Khalid Waleed Bin Idriss Bin Abdul Aziz Al Maneese Al Sulami Al Iskandarani Al Hanbali, and Sheikh Misbah Bin Ibrahim Ali Wadan Al Dasouqi.
Taha Al Fahd was known for his high in number and different activities, as he was a teacher of the holy Quran and of its reading sciences at the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs. He was also appointed as a general supervisor of the electronic reader of the Institute of the Imamate and preaching, as well as for his Imamate of “Al Tawheed” mosque in Tripoli, and “Al Salam” mosque in Sebha.
It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs sent Sheikh Al Fahad in 2004 to Ghana during the month of Ramadan, in order to take the Imamate of the Muslims there in Al Qiyam prayers and in 2006 to Canada in the mosque of Toronto, in addition to being selected as a member of the jury of numerous “Tajweed” of the Quran competitions such as the Libyan international contest of the Quran memorization and “Tajweed” in 2012 and the competition of the Yarmouk club of the Quranic memorization in Libya in 2013.