Biography of Tarik Bajbir

Tarik Bajbir… The shaykh of human development
Shaykh Tarik Bajbir was born in 1979 in the city of Tarim in Yemen. In 2005, he received his B.A in Islamic law from the University of Al-Iman in San’aa. He later went to different Arab and western countries to continue his postgraduate studies in different fields.
In 2008 shaykh Bajbir earned a Certificate of Approved International Trainer by The Training And Development Academy in Britain. To later go to both Egypt and Cairo where in the same year he received a diploma of Human Resources in Cairo and a Master’s degree specialized in the Prophet’s (Pbuh) Biography from the Open University in Mecca.
Thanks to his intellectual and scientific qualifications in addition to his international certificates and diplomas, Shaykh Bajbir got a number of important posts in fields related to Islamic Daawa and administration but also in human development.
Thus the scholar works as Head of the Department of Planning and Development in the student’s association of Youth Development since 2012, member of the Administrative body of Hadramaout Forum for trainers, member of the General Assembly of the charitable association “Adaawa Alkhayriya”.
In 2010 he also took part in the IIFSO conference that took place in the Indonesian capital Jakarta and holds numerous missionary activities that are part of the Student Association for human development and other Yemeni associations.
His interest in human development in addition to his Islamic activities played an important role in the celebrity of the scholar. He organized different sessions and lectures about human development. His topics were mainly about strategic and operational planning and how an Islamic preacher can benefit from this technique. But also the ways to commercialize charitable projects, the importance of self-management and regulation, methods to solve problems or decision-making methods and other topics he tackled and tried to solve in his own way.
In other words, in his shows, sessions or courses, shaykh Tarik Bajbir tries to combine between the concept of human development and religious studies. Thus bringing a different and personalized approach to deal with daily troubles or issues.