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Biography of Youssef Edghouch
The reciter and imam Youssef Edghouch was born in Rabat, Morocco. He was raised in Rabat where he studied and memorized the holy Quran at an early age. He learned the Tajweed of the Quran by following Warash Aan Nafie’s and Hafs Aan Aasim’s recitation methods. He also received numerous awards in Quran memorization and Tajweed competitions both locally and nationally.
And in 2003, Youssef Edghouch immigrated to the united states, where he was an imam in « Taraweeh » prayers in Hawaii at only the age of sixteen. He moved after that to North Carolina where he worked as a professor at a Quranic school. Then he moved to Texas State, before settling in Orange County in California where he worked as an imam and a manager in a Quranic school.