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Biography of Abdulmohsen Al-Askar
He is Sheikh Abdulmohsin Bin Abdulaziz Al Askar, a Saudi Arabian Islamic preacher who currently works as an associate professor at the Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, and an Imam and a preacher in the princess Noura bint Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz’s Mosque in Al Nakhil in the northern part of the Medina.
He was born in Riyadh, in 1386 Hijr, and it was there where he grew up and received his basic education. Sheikh Abdulmohsin graduated from the Faculty of Arabic Language at the University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud in 1408 Hijr, where he was appointed as a lecturer in the Department of rhetoric “Al Balagha”. Also, he obtained his master’s degree in 1414 Hijr and his doctorate degree in 1420 Hijr, both with excellence. He was able to learn a lot and deepen his knowledge during his university course under the supervision of prominent scholars, such as Mohammad Bin Abdulrahman Al Kasem, and Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Bin Abdulrahman Al Moufdi.
In addition to his university studies, Sheikh Abdulmohsin Al Askar was educated by a number of great sheikhs and scholars including Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Aqeel, on whom he read many books, most notably “Saheeh Al Bukhari and Muslim”, “Alfia Ibn Malik”, and also Sheikh Abdullah Bin Abdulrahman Al Jibrin, who accompanied him for more than thirteen years and he read under his supervision “The book of Tawheed”, and other books.
He began to learn languages starting from 1415 Hijr at the Princess’s Noura Bint Abdullah University in Riyadh and explained many books such as "The Three Principles", "The Four Rules" and "The Book of Tawheed", in addition to a number of valuable lectures, most notably the lecture "Interpretation of the verses of Fasting".
Sheikh Abdulmoshin Al Askar was known for his rich preaching activism in various Islamic countries, and he is considered one of the rarest scholars with a deep insight into the books and curricula of old and recent authors. Also, his library is one of the best among the other libraries in Riyadh.
He has many publications, such as the book "Quotation - types and rules" - printed in 1425 Hijr, and The book "Reform of the Illustration" which is under printing, and the manuscript "interpretation of the part of Tabarak" and others. This is in addition to his lessons, sermons and recitations of the holy Quran.
Sheikh Al Askar was praised by several scholars and Sheikhs, due to his deep knowledge and quality. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Aqil said about him: “He is a virtuous man and a scientist and he has knowledge, wisdom and conservation, ask him about anything he shall answer, especially in Arabic”.