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Biography of Adel Al Kalbani

Sheikh Adel Al Kalbani was born in the month of Ramadan in 1378, and he’s considered as one of the biggest Quran Reciters.
Sheikh Al Kalbani was assisted by the senior clerics such as Sheikh Ahmed Mustafa, Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Nabhan Ibn Hussein and Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Jibreen, and he was certified in the 10 readings (Qira'at) of the holy Quran. He was nominated in the 4th of Ramadan in 1429 as an Imam of the holy mosque in Mecca. He was before that an Imam in many mosques in Jeddah, such as the king Khaled Ibn Abdelaziz mosque, and he remained there for 25 years. Sheikh Adel Al Kalbani is currently an Imam and Preacher in the holy mosque in mecca, he’s also leading the Tarawih prayers in the holy mosque since the 6th of Ramadan 1429.
Alhamduli'Allaahi rabi'Alaalameen, Wa sala'Allaahu alaa Muhammad(PBUH).
Very well patience and clearness in the Cheikh's recitation. I hear also faith in Allaah and sincerity in his voice. May Allaah reward him and us all the best of the Holy Quran in this world and the next. Aameen
I hope to know more of cheikh Adel Kalbani, I must admit just being introduced to him through this site. Alhamduli'Allaah for those who put it together. In either case I want to know more of him, I think a bio could help, or even some background of him.
His pictures are very nice, all features are good. Again may Allaah give us all the best in this world and paradise without judgment. Aameen
Asalam everyone! I just wanted to share with everyone how much I enjoy listening to sheikh Adel al klabani... I too heard him leading the prayer in haram about 2-3 years ago, and really he touch my heart with his recitation manshallah. May ALLAH reward him!.
I want to encourage my brothers and sisters in Islam...please look after our beautiful deen the way of Allah and the Prophet...lot of people want to distinguish the light of Allah but its like Allah said they will Never!! but muslims wherever they are be proud that you have the Truth.
I don't like to say I have a favourite amongst our recitors but Sheikh Adil Ibn Salam Al Kalbani is surely amongst the best or beautiful voices out there along Sheikh Abdulrahman Al Sudais.
Just a quick question does anyone in here know when or if he is coming to any of the Masjids in LONDON or Surroundings?
If so, please update here or email me mohammud.yusuf@yahoo.co.uk...I heard he came here once in the Masjid in East London
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful Assalaamu Alaykum my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Alhamdulillah, I want to start with a dua, may Allah, the Most Merciful, bless the soul that seeks how to recite the Holy Quran properly, Amiin. I love the way Sheikh Adil Ibn Salam Al Kalbani recites the Holy Quran Masha-Allah. May Allah reward Sheikh Adil Ibn Salam Al Kalbani for his work Insha-Allah.
In The Name of Allah: The Most Beneficent: The Most Merciful:
Sheikh Adel is a fantastic reciter, I heard him for the first time last year leading the Taraweeh prayers and he touched my heart, may Allah give the sheikh long life and he continues praying so nicely and the let muslims who enjoy listening to the Holy Quran can listen to his voice.
I don't have word to express about the quality of his Qranic recitation but i must say that he was an precious thing in the world and no one can replace him . His very soft style of recitation always admire me more then any thing else. Shortly I am his big fan. Adil is Adil a very beautiful gift of Allah.
Adel Al Kalbani is my favourite reciter it is really disappointing that he had to leave the position as leader of makkah. At least he is still leader of madina. insha allah he will return to his original position as leader of makkah. He really is an inspiration to the ummah. insha allah he will be granted the jannah
I have been praying behind this great man in King Khalid's mosque in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia since more than ten years. I still enjoy listening to him reciting quran.
I believe he is one of the best recitors in the Islamic world. He has totally different character. I wish I can meet him again.
God bless him.
As'salamu Alykum
I'm a very little slave of Allah but I always find my Allah in Sheikh Adil's voice. No word to express I just cry when I hear the Quran from him. It's my hope to meet him once as I love him from my bottom of the heart just for the sake of Allah. May Allah extend his life & save his honor! Aameen
I have been praying behind this great man in King Khalid's mosque in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia since more than ten years. I still enjoy listening to him reciting quran.
I believe he is one of the best recitors in the Islamic world. He has totally different character. I wish I can meet him again.
God bless him.
Beauty in the voice as though you are in Ramadan and in Taraweh prayer behind the sheikh, may Allah SWT grant him success in this life and in the hearafter. Asalamu Alaikum I pray the sheikh comes to london and we are praying behind him what do you think Ali
Sheikh Adel is a fantastic reciter, I heard him for the first time last year leading the Taraweeh prayers and he touched my heart, may Allah give the sheikh long life and he continues praying so nicely and the let muslims who enjoy listening to the Holy Quran can listen to his voice.
I think Sheik Adil al Kalbani is certainly an excellent recitor of the Holy Quraan.Did you know that he is coming to South Africa as a guest of the al ansaar foundation. He will be here on the 25th March 2011. Looking forward to listening to him recite, Inshallah
As Salaam Alaikum waa Rahmatullahi waa Barakatuhu:
As many residents of Riyadh from near and far, I had the great honour and blessing to hear the beautiful and deeply moving recitations of
Al Kuraan Al Majid
May ALLAAH bless him and guide him and protect him forever.
I love Sheikh Adel for the sake of Allah. May Allah make us meet in Firdaws. Also, may Allah, the Almighty proctect the land of the two holy sites and their people, religion, honor, and health.
I have been to Hajj in the Hegira year of 1431. I did love the place.
Masha Allah.Al Hamdulillah who's has blessed His servant this great voice.
May Allah guide and protect all muslim together. Ameen.we ask Allah to increase all muslims in knowledge
and wisdoms.Good health,blessed and give us victory where ever we are.
Adil Al-Kalbani is my faver reciter, and he is one of the best reciters all time. I wish one day that I pray behind him in the Masjid that he leads the prayers which is in Riyad Sa'udi Arabia May Allah add his good deeds, And grant him paradise.
Alhamdulillah was salatu was salamu 'ala Rasulullah, I agree that Shaikh Adil (hafidhahullah), has indeed been bless by Allah with a voice for Quran recitation that very capturing, may Allah continue to bless this ummah with his recitation, ameen
May Allah Guide this man to the highest rank in Paradise. May Allah show his mercy to this man always.
May Allah accept all his supplication. And may Allah make everything easy for him in this world and the next. AMEEN
In fact Sheikh Adel Khalbani's recitation is so appealling that I never get tired of listening,God has blessed him with beautiful voices.May Al Mighty Allah bless him and bless me with children who will be like him.