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Biography of Abdul Rahman Al Sudais

Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz as-Sudais an-Najdi is a Saudi world renown qari, he was born in Saudi Arabia and he's originally from the Anza clan. Al Sudais is the leading imam of the Grand mosque in the Islamic city of Mecca.
At the age of 12, Al Sudais memorized the Holy Quran, and studied in the 'Al Muthana Bin Harith' Elementary School and was graduated in 1979 with a grade of excellent in ' Riyadh scientific Institution'.
Al Sudais studied in Riyadh University and received a degree in Sharia in 1983, and a Master from the Sharia College of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in 1987. In 1995 he obtained a Ph.D in Islamic Sharia from Umm al-Qura University.
Sheikh AL Sudais is known for the particularity of his voice and for his emotional recitation of the Quran in accordance with Tajweed.
In 2005, he received the prize of the ' Islamic Personality Of the year' in the 9th annual Dubai International Holy Quran Award.
Assalamuallaikum Dear Brothers in Islam
I come from a non muslim country & grew up in a town where there were not much muslims & closest masjid being over 40mins drive.
I had no opportunity of learning the quran although I secretly nutured the thought of reciting the quran melodiously.
At 30 yrs I got married & one of the gifts that I got was a Full Quran CD pack from an eldrely uncle of mine.He had bought this gift specially for me,on his return from performing Hajj which I part financed. After gathering dust for many months, I did make effort to listen to the CD & I was so amused by the recitation. Its been nearly 10 years since & hardly a day passes without me listening to a CD. Sometime for hours on MP3 listening to a loop.
All praises be to Allah,I have memorised Surah AlBaqara, Al Kahf,Al Mulk and a number of other surah's just by listening. I never drive without reciting what I have memorised & spend all my spare time doing same & trying to expand verses that I have memorised.
It has truly transformed me into a peaceful person & instilled in me a lot of strength to face many challenges in life. May Allah reward Sheikh Suddais for his beautiful recitation through the CD's. Allah chose him to guide me out of a state of Jahiliya.
Assalam u alaikum (WR)to all the muslims,
May Allah bless our prophet,the last messenger of Almighty Allah.Through him Allah protected humanity from ignorance to knowledge ,darkness to light and savagery to humanity.May Allah bless all the reciters of the Holy Quran who are a source of spiritual renewal for all the muslims of the world.There are a number of figures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who really impress souls with their natural talents and abilities . May Allah give them health and potential to quench the thirst of momineen . These personalities are really doing the true service.People are being benefitted by them far and wide. We particularly thank, and pray for those who built this site as it is playing a vital role n spreading the light of Islam and teaching of the Holy Quran. The best among us are those who learn The Holy Quran and teach others ,they are a great asset of Islamic world in particular and the world in general. May Allah guide us to be true muslims.
Assallam to every Muslim, Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Mohammed who through him we've known right from wrong, good from bad and light from darkness. Again, may Allah's peace extend to the family and the followers of Prophet Mohammed and those who will continue to follow him till the judgement day. May Allah forgive us all.
Sheikh Abdulrahman Al Sudaise is the good and greatest when it comes to Qur'an recitation with tajweed. Fortunately, I've been able to get his MP3 copies of full Qur'an which I play everyday. When I'm playing, I take Qur'an and follow him. In fact I can confidently tell you that this helped me to read the Qur'an perfectly. May Allah bestow his blessings on him and continue to increase his knowledge so that every muslim across the length and breadth of the world benefit from him. Sheikh I've promised that if Allah gives me a baby boy I'll name him after you. Sheikh Allah bless you a lot. Assalamu Aleykum.
Assalamualaikum. Dear sir your are my good teacher. I am also your follower just like as desiple. I am lesoning everyday youtube. Your reciting Holy Quran is unremarkable & also outstanding. I am spell bound of your reciting Al Quran.I am greatfull with you. I like it. I am living in London. My name is Mohammad Nasim Ahmmed. I came from Bangladesh. At the moment I am face in the difficulties in my visa. !9 April 2012 I have got the interview in home office unfortunately interview has canceled. I was completely disappointed. I have no work. I am feeling just like as tension about my visa. You are a Oliallah sir please pray for me. Please pray for me when I will get visa then I will very happy. You are devoted man in Islam. Please pray for me. Because you are my Soul relative. Thank you very much.I am waiting for your sharp reply.Sheikh Allah bless you a lot. Assalamu Aleykum.
Yours Sincrely
Mohammad Nasim Ahmmed
London UK
Asalaamualaykum my brothers! I am only 16 and I am presently in an islamic school in England called the imam muhammad adam institute. When I was younger I headed into the wr8ng crowd. Fortunately thanks to Allah, my caring mother placed me in this excellent newly opened islamic school just before i turned 15. I always wanted to be a hafiz since childhood. But I did not know tajweed and the correct makaarij. So in this school I was taught how to recite the quran correctly. Then I was put in hifzz class. So I began to listen to Shaykh Soudais, and I fell in love with his voice. Thanks to Shaykh Soudais I fell in love with the quran and changed my life. He is my greatest role model after the Prophet Muhammad (saws). My Allah grant him and his family jannah, and the whole muslim ummah jannah, Ameen!!!
Asalam alaykum warhamtulillahi wabarakatu. Am a convertee after 28years of leading a christian life and from the day I stood strong in my Ibada I realize how much time I wasted and Alhamdulillah I have managed to keep my faith despite my fallen marriage from the man who left me with 3kids to support them on my own. I have vowed to die in Islam and try as much as possible to stick to this.
The first voice of Quran in my Islamic life was that of Sudaiz and has remained my choice for ever. Each day that passes this inclines me towards learning more of the holy book. The best of the Surahs I always listen to is Rahman and Yassin.
May Allah grant others the gift of knowing Islam and grant us maghfirah in this world and the hereafter.
Bravo bravo bravo, ya Sheikh Kabir Abi Al-Sudais for Friday's event.I would continuously be so glad about you pending my departure for the next world.Al Wahhab,who chose you,had given you all what is needed to be a universal khalifah-whether it is wisdsom,the two kinds of knowledge and all that.I am praying to our lord Al Rahman for unlimited and unending peace,mercy and blessings for you.As a result of the Prophet of Allah's nobility,ahl-ul-baits would be noble people in this world and the hereafter.Therefore you,Sheikh Kabir Abi Ash-Shuraim and Sheikh Kabir Abi Abdullah bun Abdal Azziz Al Saud and many others may have some form of connection with Rasul-ul-Allah.I am praying for the same for all of them.
Assallam to everyone,
First of all, I thank the builders of this Islamic site for their work. May Allah reward them for there hard work.
Abdul Rahman Al Sudais is the greatest quran recitor of our time, his voice particularity attracts all Muslims who heard him reciting the unique and glorious Quran.As a muslim, am happy for Him, may Allah the Merciful gives him long life, protects his family and reserves him a place in Jannah. Abdul Rahman Al Sudais, as well as many other imams are precious to Allah and to all Muslims. May the Creator of the Earth and all things between, be proud of them. Salat to Mohammad Rassulullah, Peace and benediction of Allah be upon Him.
Assalam Aleykum.
Assalam alaikum,
I Am From The Gambia.
Abdul Rahman Al Sudais is the greatest Quran recitor of our time, i am very proud to be a Muslim, when ever i here Abdul Rahman Al Sudais Reciting the Quran i feel Joy and Happiness. Am 25 years old still young i pray to God that one day i will Pray behind him in the Holy Mosque.May Allah the Most High grant him Long life and may Allah(SWT)bless him and his Family.May Allah grant us all Jannat al firdous. His voice, his tune, his recitation is mashahAllah great. I just love his emotional way of recitation.
Sheikh Allah will bless Him,the way He makes me cry out of joy when He is reciting the Quran, God Will reward his abundantly. Assalamu Aleykum.
First of all, I thank the builders of this Islamic site for their work. May Allah subhana wa t'Allah reward them.
Abdul Rahman Al Sudais is the greatest quran recitor of our time, his voice particularity attracts all Muslims who heard him reciting the unique and glorious Quran. I, as a muslim, am happy for Him, may Allah the Merciful gives him long life, protects his family and reserves him a place in Jannah. Abdul Rahman Al Sudais, as well as many other imams are precious to Allah and to all Muslims. May the Creator of the Earth and all things between, be proud of them. Salat to Mohamed Rassulullah, Peace and benediction of Allah be upon Him.
Assalam Aleykum.
Assalamuallaikum.my dear brothers and sisters in islam.let us say takbir 3times to our noble and able prophet muhammed (SAW)may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and those that trade on his part till the day of judgement.also, to my able al- sudais,if i was able to be in government, i would have name a particular city in his precious name.Al- sudais voice of reciting Qur'an brings out the beauty of our Holy Qur'an and even the none muslims catch cold when listening to the recitation. may Allah grant him Al-janat and may his good work continue to change the life of muslims and none muslims till the day of kiyyamah. AMIN.
I do wish you peace.mercy and blessings from Allah subhanahu wa ta ala.Even when I get the recitations of people who emulate your style of recitation and that of Sheikh Kabir Ash Shuraim at t. v. Mecca or Saudi Qur,i do become very happy not least once i am listening to you duo or two of you.The mood which i do get is always like the happiness feeling that i got on the day,last year,when i was told that i am a big walliyu in a mosque at the time of Asr prayers by a man that i saw via secret knowledge.He told me that i should lead the prayers as i am a big saint.I am often glad by the time i am having your audiances.
may Allah reward him for his effort to put in practice what Allah gave him and teach others
I love what he reads ,I love his voice I love his clothes because they are of good length May Allah give him the best Jjana and am sure I will be with him in Jjana even throw I did not do as much as he is doing as Nabbi MUHAMMAD swalalahu aleyhi wasalem said people will be with those they loved
I love Allah, I love Nabbi Muhammad swalalahu aleyhi wasalem
I love Umar, Abubakal, Uthuman, ali may Allah be pleased with them
I love my parents and I love Abdul Rahman Al Sudais may Allah grant them Jjana amen
Assalaam o Alaikum. I intend to share some facts. In fact I, being a muslim, reciting Quran after passing class VI and thankful to my teachers who helped me in this regard. But I must confess that after listening the recitation by Abdul Rahman Al Sudais, I have to make lot of corrections specially in better pronunciation. In fact I can confidently tell you that this helped me to read the Qur'an perfectly. May Allah bestow his blessings on him and continue to increase his knowledge so that every muslim across the world benefit from him and help us to recite QURAN in a perfect way.
First of all, I am a Gambian lady, in West Africa. I and my family are great fans of Shiekh Al Sudais. He is the most popular Quranic reciter in this part the world. MashahAllah! subhanAllah! May Allah bless him. May Allah grant us all Jannat al firdous. His voice, his tune, his recitation is mashahAllah great. I just love his emotional way of recitation. When he makes supplication, he make almost everyone cry. Our faith increases. He is the best reciter of the holy Quran. I wish that my only son recites the Quran as he does. May Allah the Almighty bless him and bless us all.
Assalamu Alaikum Warahamathullah hi Wabarakatuh, Masha’Allah… it is very nice web site, Allah may reward all those people who put their efforts to make success this web site. It will be more benefitted if we try to understand Qur’an properly ...., and implemented it in each individual’s life, then sure it will change our life, our soul shall be filled with peace.... ultimately peace shall spread all over the universe. ISLAM the ONLY solution for PEACE. Allah may guide all of us to the right path of ultimate success… Ameen
Assalam alaikum,
Since I started persuing Islamic Education, I never knew of any other reciter but him. I cherish his Qiraa very much and would like to recite like him. May Allah reward him abundantly and all the reciters of our holy book and give them and all of us the tawfiq of putting it in our lives and following it to the latter. We pray that some institutions should be started to keep this qiraa of our time. We have a small Madrasa in Kenya, kitale trans-nzoia we hope to make it tahfid quran. Alhamdulillahi .
Salaam everyone,
I love Sheikh Sudais as a recitor and the way he reads is like you are there behind him and listening to his beautiful and amazing recitation and when he does the khutm-ul-quraan it feels like that you are there making the dua with him. I want to meet him when my family and I go for Umrah. May allah(swt) give us all a chance to recite just like him Inshallah. May allah give him and his family a long and happy life and give sheikh sudais voice even more beautiful and good.
Salaam everyone,
I love Sheikh Sudais as a recitor and the way he reads is like you are there behind him and listening to his beautiful and amazing recitation and when he does the khutm-ul-quraan it feels like that you are there making the dua with him. I want to meet him when my family and I go for Umrah. May allah(swt) give us all a chance to recite just like him Inshallah. May allah give him and his family a long and happy life and give sheikh sudais voice even more beautiful and good.
SUBHANALLAH shaykh sudais must be the best reciter in the world because of his melodious recitation of the quran and dua qunut. His recitation is so beautiful that it reflects the picture of many verses in the glorious book which speaks about various topic like pain of fire, the happy and peaceful life of jannah, last day, hashar etc. Oh! Allah reward the reciters of the quran with the greatest reward as it is your promise, & early you do not fail in your promise oh the most gracious!!!!