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Biography of Saad El Ghamidi

Saad El Ghamidi is a Saudian reciter born in 1968 in the Oriental, Saudi Arabia.
Saad El Ghamidi studied in Dammam. As a student, Saad was very active. He often participated in summer journeys, Qur'an Memorization circles, associations. He graduated from the University of Chariîa with a religious studies Degree (Oussoul Din). In 1990, he memorized the whole Qur'an and was distinguished by his soulful voice as a recite.
In 1985, he chose a Monchid (religious singer) career. His first tracks were very successful and earned him a wide recognition such as "Malakna Hadihi Donya Qorounan" and "Gharbane".
Saad El Ghamidi cute his way to recognition as an Imam during Tarawih's prayers in the holy mosque. He later released a first record which met a considerable success. Saad El Ghamidi had a degree in Al Isnad on the recitation of Hafs by Assem.
Saad El Ghamidi has toured many Arab countries such as Koweit and others like Austria, USA and GB.
I have listened only to him since 1995 and never stopped ever since. I listen to his recitation many times a day or all day. I feel his voice brings me closer to feeling of heaven. I feel each word he recites. By listening to him I know soura baghara almost by heart. Through me my family and friends also listen to his recitations, I admire his dedication towards teaching the loving Koran. I am positively jealous of all the good he is doing and his place in heaven.
I have thought my children to listen to him before they sleep and while studying. They are now in university.
My husband listen to another reciter.
I am a modern woman, and I have lived in many different countries and right now I am in Canada.
I wished he would do the prayers somewhere I could pray friday prayers with him.
Sheikh you are a source of inspiration to many as you can see from all the comments. what more can I say about a man whom Allah has chosen to be what he want him to be? I sincerely join others in envying Allah's immense blessings on you with the knowledge and the recitation ingenuity of the holy Qur'an. like many others, hardly will I listing to your recitation of the Holy Qur'an especially Surat' Baqarah without getting emotional and shading tears even at some point where I don't even understand the meaning of the verses. May Allah reward your efforts abundantly Amin thumma Amin.
baraka lahu fiikum- May the ALMIGHTY Allah bless you with more knowledge and the best Jan-at Firdawus for the way you recite the holy Qur'an, has made me also like to recite it. Pray for me brothers and sisters because am going back to Qur'an madarasat before its too late,so that i can also be able to recite the holy QUR'AN though not as good as Sheik Al Ghamidh But at least i will be able to read the holy Qur'an and it is to him that i attribute that,i love you all may Allah bless us all with knowledge from the Qur'an Asalaam Alaikum
baraka lahu fiikum- May the ALMIGHTY Allah bless you with more knowledge and the best Jan-at Firdawus for the way you recite the holy Qur'an, has made me also like to recite it. Pray for me brothers and sisters because am going back to Qur'an madarasat before its too late,so that i can also be able to recite the holy QUR'AN though not as good as Sheik Al Ghamidh But at least i will be able to read the holy Qur'an and it is to him that i attribute that,i love you all may Allah bless us all with knowledge from the Qur'an Asalaam Alaikum
Assalamu alaikum WrWb, jazakumullahi khoir for the beautiful recitation. I thought that I should mention that there are some harakah differences in Suratul Saf, in recitation of Saad Ghamidi and the written surah (in this same page) for example musoddiqon lima is written musaddaqon lima, mubasshiron is written as mubashsharon, bil bayyinaati is written as bil bayyanaati in ayah number 6. I have checked the Mushaf, it is the same as Ghamidi recited, however the printed book and the typed version of this website are different.
My no. 1 favorite dear sheikh.
The best recitation of Surah Al Baqarah, An Nisa, Al Isra, AzZumar (his younger version), al Lail, Al Qamar. AshSham and more. I listen to your recitation Al Baqarah every day while driving to work and back home every day, but never get bored, MashaAllah. That is the beauty of Quran.
Jusr wish that I can find more recordings other than the classic ones.
May Allah bless you sheikh, your recitations are more popular than any song of any singer in this world.
You must listen to cheikh Al Ghamidi's koran recitation. I am very much touched by his beautiful tajweed may Allah give him abode in janet Elfardous for his noble work.
Every time I listen to his koran recitation I feel my heart is filled up with joy and happiness and this makes me come much closer with my thought to my Allah the most high the most generous.
I also thank all other cheikhs who took part in the koran recitation.
I bought juzu amma recitation during my hajj of 2005 without knowing the name of the reciter. Myself and my children enjoyed it so much that we were able to commit it all to memory just from listening very frequently. I feel fortunate to discover this very pleasant voice again. I cannot get tired from listening to his recitation. In sha Allah it will now become easier to memorize the quran
Saad El GhamidiI am very much touched by his beautiful tajweed may Allah give him abode in janet Elfardous for his noble work.
Every time I listen to his koran recitation I feel my heart is filled up with joy and happiness and this makes me come much closer with my thought to my Allah the most high the most generous.
I also thank all other cheikhs who took part in the koran recitation.
Hearing Your recitations brings blessing from Almighty Allah to my home through your blessed efforts to study the Holy Qur'an and recite with a blessed voice. Thank you. Also thank, your parents for their help to guide their son in this path Allah has blessed and we are blessed too, to share. May Allah bless your family and your parents as well.
Shaista K Haleem
May Allah Subhana grant us the gift of reciting Quran as Shaikh Saad Ghamidi recites, Ameen. But most of all we must learn the message contained by the Creator for us human beings. Unfortunately in our part of the world since arabic as a language is not spoken or understood. We try very hard to understand the Glorious Quran and the meaning contained therein.
May Allah reward you Sheikh Sa,ad, Amin! Brothers and sisters we should allocate time to listen and recite Qur,an as well as enjoin others to. My target is to establish islamic radio and TV stations in Nigeria so that more people will leave to understand islam.This is my target for this short world life, you can join me!My Allah bless our sheikhs!
Assalam alaikum by brother in Islam. As a muslim I have been listening to different recitations by different imams but as soon as I got Quranic reciter of yours, Alhamdulillah I download it in my laptop and mobile. I always listen to you at work and at home. May Allah (swt) showers his blessings upon you and give you long life. 2013 Ramadan Mubarak.
Assalamualaikum, I'm from Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.
Syeikh al Ghaamadee was among my favourite al Qura'an recitors. Very nice and clear voice given by Allah, subhanaAllah, tabaraqaAllah. Please listen to 'Surah Saad' recited by Syeikh al Ghaamadee. You will never stop and will repeat many time, for sure. InsyaAllah.
Syuqron Kathiraa.
Praise with very powerful God is merciful.
That god assists all the "mouqriines" of the Quran sain.
I listen to SAAD ELGHAMIDI after comparison between several "mouqriines", by sourate Ennass recited by SAAD EL GHAMIDI it touched me much, GOD is pilot for me.
Assalu Aleikum am from the Gambia Residence in Angola capital Luanda only ALMIGHTY ALLAH Knows how i feel when i heard the recitation of Saad al Ghamidi,when am in very angry when i here this voice the pain goes away when am sick with help of ALLAH When i here this voice ALLAH Heel me my brother as muslim may ALLAH BLESS You.
Allah has created this man with so much beauty in his voice, when I hear his tajweeds I just want to cry with emotion, may Allah (swt)create many men who recite like this untill the end of day, suhanallah his recitation is so overwhelming and touching. May allah grant you Jannah for your hard work, Allah hears and sees all.
Assalamo Alaikom,
Anytime I am sad or upset for something, I listen to this beautiful voice. It makes me calm and so many times made me cry of happines, I just love you Al Ghamidi because when I listen to your voice I feel closer to ALLAH, I can't stop listining to your voice. Inshallah God grant you with Janah.
assalamu aleykum brothers and sisters in islam i love saad al ghamdi's recitation so much that i cry every night like i pray tahajud i am also intrested in the following recitations abdul wadud haneef, mahir al Mueaqly,al muhaisany and saad nomani but not as much as saad al ghamdi
assalamu aleykum warahmatullah
Mashallah great voice jazah allah. I listen to him in the house and in my car. He helped to create a peaceful atmosphere when I ever listen to his recitation. My Allah give him reward in the now in the hereafter.
I now live in the uk. His recitation bring me closer to the time when I was living in Saudi.