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Biography of Sahl Yasin

Sahl Yassin, born Sahl Ibn Zin Yassin is a Saudi imam and Qur’an reciter.
Sahl Yassin memorized the Qur’an from eminent Cheikhs and teachers of Makkah. His recitations brought him distinction and esteem thanks to his beautiful voice.
Graduated in Sharia, Sahl Yassin had given many conferences and lectures on religious topics. He was hosted by many television channels and radio stations.
Sahl Yassin’s discography includes many of his recitations.
Sahl Yassin is currently the imam of Al Amir Sultan’s Mosque of Jeddah.
Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, I'm surprised to see there is no comments on this Sheikh, Sahl Yassin has a wonderful soothing voice, his pronunciations and emphasis on some words is magnificent, His rhythmic variations and consistent recitation is also out of this world. May Allah grant this brother paradise, I wish him and his family all the best. Insha Allah. I pray to Allah, for me to meet him one day and pray behind him, either here in this world, or in the afterlife, of course Janna, Insha Allah may Allah make my dreams come true,
Wa Saalamu Aleikum.
Thanks to read Quran for us to hear..as for me the art of tajweed in proper maqam is much mean..to awake my soul of heart.. to have the meaning that I did not understand perfectly.. I not Arab or learn Arab language... but I still can feel the soul of alquran..and glad to hear your voice.. keep deeply inside the holbi..thank you sheikh..
Alhamdulillah, Shaykh Sahl has an amazing voice. However, his consistency and attention to Tajweed is what grabs my attention. His voice is an excellent compliment, however, his tajweed reminds me of Shaykh Abdulllah Khayyaat. May Allah grant the reciters of Al-Qur'an paradise ameen.