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Biography of Abdul Wadud Haneef

Abdul Wadud Haneef, also Abdul Wadud Makboul Haneef, is a Saudi-arabian Qur’an reciter and Imam.
Abdul Wadud Haneef has been leading prayers in the Prophet’s Mosque of Madina Monawara, in 1414 Hijri during one year and then moved to Al Amira Shahida’s Mosque.
Abul Wadud Haneef has released cassettes including his recitations which are also aired by many Tv channels and radio stations.
This is a very good site for the recitions of the Holy Quran. Sheikh Abdul Wadud Haneef is one of the best recitors of the World. I always like to listen the Holy Quran in his beutiful voice. I also like to ask my muslim brothers abour conditions of Muslim Ummah in these days. What do you think is the reason behind this? Has Allah the AllMihgty left us alone? Why the condition is going to be the worst? I think this is happening because the muslims are not acting upon the teaching of the Holy Quran these days, and Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him has prophicised about this age that :Nothing shall be left of the the Quran bet its writtings. May Allah enable All the Muslim Ummah to follow the teaching of the Holy Quran.
ManshaAllah,Mansha'Allah! what a beautiful, heart breaking and soothing Quran recitations, This is one of the best voices that all our Muslim brothers are ought to listen to, i always listen to his recitations even at work places. May ALLAH reward him,his parents and his family paradise. Jazalahu khayr to the sheikh and the owners of this site. And i pray for many uluma's like him who will recite the holly quran the same way, best regards to him.
As salamo alaikum. I have watched his interview manay years ago on Sudai T.V during my stay in a Gulf Country, and had listen his hearth touching recitation of Holy quraan and t a complete set of Holy Quran audio casettes recoded by the Shaikh and also saved Holy Quran in my laptop and enjoy listening it very often. He is one of my favorite Qaro. May Allah Almighty give him long and healthy life and ability to recite Kitab Allah. Aameeen.
I am very glad to listen the holy quran recitation of Shiekh Abdul wadud maqbul haneef Hamid, at The first time I heard his sound of recitation of holy quran was in 1993 from radio. Although I tried to record his cassettes unfortunately I left somali, now I am in malta islan. I looked for his recitation from internet I found it online of this site, I bless from our almight Allah to forgive him and reward his heaven or paradise.
Sheik Abdul Wadud Haneef is one of my favorite Sheik I can get tired of listening him all day 24/7 if possible. May Almighty Allah give him health and long life and protect him from evils eyes. Ameen. My second favorite Sheik is Sudeys. I love all of them, what I want to say is I mostly listen to Those two I mentioned their name. Islam for ever. Yaa Allah protect your deen and your ummah.
I was not actualy aware of this site not untill now.
This reciter is one of the best to me cos when he recites, Alhamdulillah, I want to listen to the recitation of the Qur`an more and more. May Allah reward the owners of the site, reward Sheikh Abdul Wadud Makboul Haneef and those who make use of this site in the rightful way... May Allah reward the world with more reciters like him...
Mansha alaah, Allah bless Sheikh Abul Wadun Haneed and forgive his sins and reward him Jennah. I enjoy so much, so much that it is a soothing for me because Reciting the Quran specialy in the most beautiful voice in the world is soothing to all the believers and Jazakalahul khayr to Sheik and whoever owns this website. You too is earning part of Allah's reward insha alah!
ManshaAllah,Mansha'Allah! what a beautiful, heart breaking and soothing Quran recitations, This is one of the best voices that all our Muslim brothers are ought to listen to, i always listen to his recitations even at work places, May ALLAH reward him,his parents and his family paradise, Jazakalahu khayr to the sheikh and the owners of this site.
Assalamo Alykum wrb
Qari Abdul wadud Haneef posses excellent voice & his recitation style touches depth of our hearts
Allah swt bless acceptance for HIS raza and long life and he is sign of pride of Muslim ummah
I wish to meet him at Aziaiz Hidahia street, Makkal tu Mukarma.in shaa Allah
Mohammad Fayyaz
Assalam o Alakum Every one Mashallah very beautiful recitation of Quran. Alhamdullilah I went for Hajj this year and leaving in area called Azizia we used to go for pray in Masjid. Sheikh Abdul Wadood Hanif is imam there. Very nice un forget able event in life and Its is hard to explain the feelings.
Asalamu Aleikum:
Abdul Wadud Haneef, has a beautiful voice, may ALLAH (SWA) bless him and his family, I truely felt he was given to the Muslim Ummah of the world. I listened his recitation regularly, I found it very attractive and encouraging even non-Muslims to join ISLAM, the perfect way of life.
mashaALLAH I like listening to Sheikh Abdul Wadud Haneef Quran recitation, he has a good voice and very easy for beginners to understand the verses he recites This reciter is one of the best to me cos when he recites, Alhamdulillah, I want to listen to the recitation of the Qur`an more and more.
Mashallah beutiful recitation by my favourite sheikh Abdul wadood haneef. allah will guide us all through his mercy. Ameeen.
Mashallah downloading the same is so fast only if the developer of this site could provide an option of downloading the whole 114 chapters by just one click. shukran.
Oh! how sweet this recitation Quran ! how sweet this voice ! I am very very satisfy to hear this recitation AL QURAN.I pray to ALLAH for giveness to hom and his family.May ALLAH bless him and his family.I think that everybody will enjoy to hear this nice Quran recitation and pray for him.
Salamu alaikum, I like listening to Sheikh Abdul Wadud Quran recitation,And I think that everybody will enjoy to hear the nice Quran recitation and pray for Sheikh Abdul Wadud, and all the great Sheikh in the whole world May Allah bless them all,And May Allah bless All the Muslim.....
Mashalah this sheikh has one of the best voices, may Allah bless him and give him jannah and make us those who follow his footsteps and recite the quran everyday. Inshalah from now on i'll try to read the quran daily, may God make us those go to jannah and have a blessful life in dunyah.
Alhamdu LILLAHI!!!! All praises are to Allah (SWT) for these Qurra'u!! They keep ALLAH's Book (Qur'an) in our memories anytime we listen, even while on our desks working!! May Allah(SWT) continue to bless the Muslim Ummah with people like Sheikh Abdul Wadood Haneef, Amen!!!
Muslim brothers and sisters am happy to learn about this unique sheikh whose voice has reached all the corners of the earth as far as Quran recitation is concerned.I would like to inquire his whereabouts because except the Quran recitation have not heard much about him.
Masha The sheikh has beautiful voice mashallah I have heard his recitation many times and they are all top quality recitations as well as good audio, and I have his whole 17 cd set on my ipod alhamdullilah, I would love to stand behind him in prayer one day inshallah
have been searching the best Quraan recitind and I found Alshiekh Qari Abdul Wadud Haneef .I like to listen mostly.I want to download complete Quraan . His reciting speed voice is very attractive. I prey for his long life.My friends also agree with me. Masha Allah.