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Biography of Abdul Wali Al Arkani

Shaykh Abdul Wali Al Arkani who is also called « Abu Muad » in relation to one of his sons; was born in 1983 in the region of Mislafah in Mecca. He is a well-known Quran reciter and is currently the Imam of Khadem Al Haramein Al-Sharefein mosque in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Shaykh Al-Arkani learnt the Quran at the age of 14 first at the hand of his father, then other shaykhs and teachers in different mosques. He then moved to Mecca and was also the student of a number of prominent shaykh such as Shaykh Harun Dahir, the late Shaykh Muhammad Kabir, Shaykh Muhammad Idriss Abbass and others. He is also a friend of Shaykh Ahmed Bin Muhammad Al Shariff; the personal imam of the prince Nawaf Bin Abdul Aziz.
Moreover, he joined the Al Arqam Ibn Abu Al Arqam Institute in the Sacred Mosque (Masjid Al Haram) and graduated in 1997. He performed as an imam for the first time at the age of 13 at the mosque of Shaykh Muhammad Saleh Jamal in Meccah moving to other mosque within the same city before moving to Jeddah.
Given his popularity, Shaykh Al Arkani was invited to perform in different mosques within and outside Saudi Arabia for he was officially invited by the Governor of the Emirate of Ajman from the UAE to perform imamate next to the prominent reciter Mishary Rashid Alafasy.
At last, with his unique and eminent voice, there are audio and visual recordings of Shaykh Al Arkani’s recitations of the Quran available for his admirers. The recordings are also broadcasted in a number of Arab religious channels of Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Bahrain.
Asalaama aliekum warahma tullahi wabarakatu all muslim brothers and sisters all over the world .
after that greatings to sheikh abdul wali al arkani .no word can describe how beautiful you voice are masha allah , and i can t stop listening to you and thanks for everyone who my involve by creating this Assabile .com for this audio my allah bless you all for this wonderful idea and my allah protect islam and my allah make as to love one another all over the world and understand each other by setting together and appreciate what allah give it to us by being muslim jamal from south africa Johannesburg asalama aliekum warahma tullahi wa barakatu all jumaa mubaral to all
Assalamualikum Wr. Wb.
First of all I would like to thank to www.assabile.com for such a great collection of Al Quran Al Kreem reciters. It is very good opportunity for us to listen Al Quran from various famous Sheikhs. I like especially Sheikh Abdul Wali Al Arkani the he recite the Al Quran and I am also expecting to upload other remaining surah. I also personally met him at Ajman UAE when he visited here and I saw he has very noble character. May Allah S.W.A reward good health, long life and more success in the future (Ameen).
Brother in Islam
Sir you have a brilliant recitation MashAllah. We'll keep praying for your happiness and prosperity. I also want my children to become just as respectable as you.Please pray for my family to Allah by the same voice you read quran. I pray to My Allah that even when i'm dead and will be in grave, may the same voice be my guiding light in the darkness of the grave. May Allah keep blessing you and your parents in this world and even in the other one which we are desperately waiting of.
Best Regards,
Justice Of Peace
Jamshed Town
Karachi, Pakistan
Assalamu Alikom Wa Rahmatullah
First of all i want to say from the depth of my heart that!!!
Abdul Wali Al-Arkani is the best in my opinion, please add more surahs of the Sheikh i mean the Full Qura'n recited by him, or please tell me how to get his full Qura'n , i would be very greatful if you add his full Qura'n here.
please send me any information regarding his more Surahs or full Qura'n.
May Allah give him and all muslims Jannah, Aamin Summa Aamin
AssalamulLahi alaikum Ayyuhal Ihwanul kiraam.
I will like to thank who ever brought the idea of of creating Assabile , jazakhumul Allahu khaira.
Sheikh Abdul Wali Arkani is my favorite reciter. I love him for Allah's sake. May Allah reward him and the entire Muslim Ummah with Jannatul Phirdausi.
I observed that some chapters are missing, I would like Assailed make provision for downloading a complete recitation of the Holy Quran by sheikh Abdul Wali Arkani on Internet.
Jazakhumul Allahu khaira.
Shehu Shuaibu Bello .
Ogun State Nigeria.
Alhamdullilh your voice makes me remind that how much sweet would be in jannah allah says that you had nt listen before that type of voice there are so many goodest people comment on his blog i have a wish which i want to complete in my life please pray for me i want to save Quran In my heart i am 22 year old from pakistan please pray for me
AL-Akarni you have got brilliant Melodies Voice You will be with us in jannah inshallah because its too hard to meet you in the world but in jannah there is no VIP and Security we would meet you inshallah
Assalaamu Alaikum ,
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who've participated to build this wonderful Station (Assabile). Abdul Wali Al Arkani is a Qari whom I like since the first day I heard his voice from one of my friends phone, it was after I went to an Internet to search about him, I now founded that, ''Ma Sha'Allaah'' he is fine. Any way ! may Allaah Guide us all on the right path; and make our love for him Alone SUBHAANAHU WATA'AALAAH. Ma Salaam.
Just to say that another voice equal to the voces of high grade imamas of Haram, Suraim, Sudais,Muaqley,Budair, Khaled Qahtani. But the qira't of Arkani is little more melodious, makes the lsteners to stay on listening it. May Allah bless this holy land of Saudi Arabia, which not only the land of Two holi cities of Makkah and Madina but also prdocued lot of such heart touching Qari's. May allah bless all of them in this world and hereafter.
Sir you have a brilliant recitation MashAllah. We'll keep praying for your happiness and prosperity. I also want my children to become just as respectable as you.Please pray for my family to Allah by the same voice you read quran. I pray to My Allah that even when i'm dead and will be in grave, may the same voice be my guiding light in the darkness of the gravemay the same voice be my guiding light in the darkness of the grave.
Assalamu Alikom Wa Rahmatullah wabarakaatu !!! may peace and mercy of Allah be up on you and all Muslim brothers and sisters .Masha Allah jazakumullah khayran
i am interested in ll but more of salah al budair ,abdulwali al arkani ,al-mohaiseesany and al matrood,
O! our Allah protect our ulamai and all muslims.
Shuaib Mohammed
jimma university ,postgraduate (Msc)student
Salaam mashallah very good however in my opinion, he prays exactly like juhainy and mahir other than that mashallah.
May Allah grant him jannah.
also his recitation is very clear and he does all of the tajweed rules.
In addition, we will keep praying to you so that Allah makes you pray more and more and pray till death. Also i will try and be like you and pray more daily.
He is one of my favourites, MashaAllah, his voice so awesome. He is a Rohingya from Western state of Burma, Arakan. I am proud to be his compatriot.
Please pray for the Muslim, Rohingya of Burma as we are going the toughest test of this world, the whole population are under the massacre from Burmese government.
Noor Shahid
Assalaam alaykum.
A person can listen for hours to sheikh Abdul wali voice.
It just shows how unique Quraan Kareem is..without instrumentation needed to make melodious sounds..at times I wish I could have such voice to please Almighty Allah with his unique quraan we accepted upon us as mankind.
Allah Almighty bless you abundance dunya and aghirah Ameen.
Very beautiful voice. Another beauty is, each word is very clear with balanced gap and even an Ajmi person while listening can recite in heart along with the qari.
Another positive thing is the quality of recording of all the Qaries is very clear and good.
May Allah give jaza-e-khair to people of Assabile.com; Ameen, summa Ameen
y beautiful voice. Another beauty is, each word is very clear with balanced gap and even an Ajmi person while listening can recite in heart along with the qari.
Another positive thing is the quality of recording of all the Qaries is very clear and good.
May Allah give jaza-e-khair to people of Assabile.com; Ameen, summa Ameen
I am a person, who like Sheikh Abdul Wali Al Arkani's wonderful and Allah gifted voice. Masha ALLAH,I would like to know that in which country that Sheikh Abdul Wali Al Arkani was born in. I am a little suspicious as his last name exists Al Arakani which is similar name to a state of Western part of Burma. Thank you.
Mashallah this sheakh is the only sheakh that I think is simalier to my voice I am a kid that is 10 years i realy think this sheakh is the best when i grow up i want my voice like his And I raely ask of sheakh abdulwali to please pray for my famaliy espeliy to my grand mother
Nadir Farah
The first day of my Qari School..Oh I hear a Quraan voice and I want to know THAT who will read Quran like that.And i ask my shaik ....HE said ABDUL WALI ARKANI ...oh i know ....i thaks my shaikh and download all surah........and one thing is you are born in our town..i am from rangoon..
Really, I love the recitation by Abdi wali Al-arkani, it was the last year of 2011 the first time I hear from a mobile phone of one of my friends. at that moment, Al-Arkani joined the best quranic reciters Such A.Sudaise and Mohamud Khalil Hussary whom I like best to listen all the time.
Assalaamu Alaikum ,
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who've participated to build this wonderful Station (Assabile). please add more surah recited by Abdul Wali Al Arkani. Masha-allah, very beautiful recitations indeed. May Allah reward you and grant you Jannah. Thanks